Chapter Sixty

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We just got back to Black's apartment. We drove back with Logan again and dropped him off at his place, and since he lives the closest to Aiden, we just decided that I would stay the night here and he'd drive me early to my apartment to catch my morning flight. The rest of the trip in the cabin went well, Ethan and Cara prepared tacos for all of us, which were pretty decent. And we spent the rest of it talking. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad Aiden forced me to go.

"I'll take this to the bedroom." He raised the bags in his hand. "I'll be in the office for a few minutes, I need to check some things at the firm," Aiden told me, giving me a kiss on the forehead after we walked in through the door. I simply nodded, and drank a glass of water before heading to the shower. No matter how much I loved being out there I needed to shake off the woodsy feeling off me.

After I finished my shower, I took another water bottle and sat at the counter, catching up on the messages I missed since I was in a place with no signal or internet.

Mariana: Let me know when you get back. I want all the details.

I decided to call her, it's not too late, it's barely eight thirty.

"Hey," I say when she picks up on the second ring.

"Tell me everything," It's the first thing Mariana says. So much for a greeting.

"Everything was good. He took me to a cottage he owns with his friends, and they were great. We had fun." I tell her not really specifying anything else.

"Oh come on don't slack off. Tell me everything," she groans from the other end.

"Fine," I summarize everything that happened. From the first night, to the Christmas presents and its explanation to ice skating.

"So all I hear is that you had fun," I can practically see her grinning from the other side of the phone. Mariana always encouraged my relationship with Aiden from the start, even when we just met and I couldn't stand him. I guess she was right.

"I did, now tell me about Mark's family. How was Christmas at the Daniels Household." She begins to explain the fun stuff, the christmas gift and the laughing. Mariana loves Mark and loves his family even more if that's possible. And the times I've met them I can see why. Mark's mom is great, always witty and funny. While Mark dad is her opposite, silent and when he does talk is always broody and sarcastic comments. But they compliment each other and it's hilarious when his mom puts his dad into place.

Aiden came out of his office, and walked into the kitchen. He looked at me on the phone and raised a brow.

"Mariana," I mouthed at him. He nodded and walked over to me, kissing my temple and squeezing my side.

"Don't take too long, she'll have you for a week and this is my last night with you. I'll be in the bedroom," He says, leaving me with a grin as he walks out of the kitchen.

Just as Mariana is starting to tell me about Mark's sister and her new boyfriend, my phone starts vibrating against my ear. I put the phone on speaker and saw the name flashing across my screen. I can feel my pulse increasing. It's Fernando. My investigator. I fucking forgot it was saturday.

"Mariana..." I interrupt her no longer hearing or remembering what she was saying.

"What's wrong?"

I swallow, "Fernando is calling. I need to go,"

"Yes go. Call me back if you need me," She hurries.

"Ok, I will."

"Vale, I love you. You have people that love you. Everything will be fine," She says, trying to reassure me. She knows this makes me nervous. I thank her and tell her I love her too before hanging up and answering Fernando's call.

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