Chapter Fifty-Six

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We went back to our apartments after that. The air was tense in the car, no matter how much Mariana tried to make conversation. Aiden still answered her though, while I didn't. I don't exactly know how to feel about this. I don't really care that Aiden's father called me names, I've heard way worse, but I'm mad Aiden didn't tell me he made partner. I've never made him talk about his past, because just like his mom I knew he would tell me slowly. But I am mad he didn't tell me about being made a partner. That's a huge stepping stone in his career, and I knew that was what he was working for. It just sucks he didn't think to share it with me.

We get off the elevator and walk to our apartments Aiden hauling behind me, and Mark and Mariana to my side. They say their good nights and thank you's but before Mark can continue off to walk next door with Mariana I grab his elbow.

"I understand your intentions when you decided to pull me away, but don't ever do that again." I may sound ungrateful that he cares for me right now. But he shouldn't have done that. If he hadn't done that perhaps they wouldn't have escalated to a punch.

"Val, I was the one who," Mariana starts but Mark cuts her off, turning towards her who is standing by their apartment door. "No, Mariana it's ok,"

Mark turns to look towards Aiden and then his eyes go down to me. "I don't really care about your opinion of the matter, Valentina. I did what I did and I don't regret it. You are basically Mariana's only family and you are like a sister to me. I did what I had to do when I saw you were in between two men that could easily take you," My heart softens but not enough. He still shouldn't have gotten involved. What if he got hurt? I would have never forgiven myself.

"I appreciate that you care for me, but I can handle myself. I don't need your rescuing."

"I don't fucking care if you think you need my help or not, Valentina. You were in the middle of something you shouldn't have been, something where you could've been hurt, and I got you out of it," Mark says, starting to get agitated.

"Mark is right, Valentina. You shouldn't have been involved," Aiden says from behind me. I don't even look at him, I just keep staring off at Mark.

"Tell me that if you saw me in trouble and you could get me out of it you wouldn't have done it," Mark says to strengthen his argument, and I just sigh. I don't think there's getting out of this, because if roles were different I would have done exactly what he did, maybe worse.

"I just don't need your protection," I tell him because it's true I don't need anyone's. "I understand why you did it, but I don't need it,"

"I know you don't," Mark nods in agreement, "you would have probably castrated the man before he laid a hand on you. But Mariana would have probably castrated me for not doing something," I roll my eyes, but smile. Now he's downplaying what he just told me.

"Nice try, but I'm still going to hold the 'you're like my sister' declaration over your head," Mark groans and makes his way to Mariana's side.

"I already regret saying it," He groans, before they both slip inside their apartment saying another quick goodnight.

I went directly into the apartment not caring for the man who was following me inside. I went to my closet changing out of the dress and into pajamas and to my bathroom to take the little I had on my face, all while Aiden was still following me. I didn't bother to look at him, and I know it's pretty clear I'm mad.

"Talk, Sky," Aiden says, he's hip against the door frame of my bathroom as he watches me in front of the mirror.

"What do you want me to say?" I respond automatically.

"I know you're mad, just say what you need to say," he runs his hand through his hair.

"Well, let's see. How should I feel about you punching your father in an event where we could have been photographed and seen." I say continuing the last step of my routine and applying moisturizer to my face.

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