Chapter Forty-Two

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I look at the time and it's almost one, I'm supposed to meet Mariana at two, great I need to go. I start rapidly cleaning up and gathering my stuff. And when I'm standing to grab my bag, my cell starts ringing, with the name of the event planner showing on the screen.

"Tell me everything is running smoothly Amanda," I say, putting the phone between my ear and shoulder and grabbing my computer, shoving it into the bag. I need to stop by the cafe before going home and if I don't hurry I will be late.

"Better than smoothly, they are starting to set up the room. The tables are set for the hundred and fifty people, the caterers will get here at four and we will be completely set by the time everyone gets here," I know a hundred and fifty people is a lot for an engagement party, I told Mariana this but she was adamant about inviting all our clients. I agreed that we needed to invite our closets and oldest one but not all, since I didn't want to overcrowd her party with work, but apparently this is what she wants and who am I to deny her this. I honestly knew this was coming. Diving into the business world sadly also comes with being a socialite.

"Perfect Amanda, you're the best, this is why I hire you. Keep updating me, I'll be there by six thirty, seven to help out anyway I can," I tell her, opening the doors to my office. I do a little wave to Alice telling her goodbye, but she sees me and stands up following me to the elevator.

"Yes, no problem. I'll keep you updated," she says and I hang up. I press the elevator button for down and face Alice.

"Luke is downstairs right?" I ask Alice.

"Yes, he will drop you off at the event early and go back to pick up Mariana,"

"Ok, good. Then tell him to stay at the party, he's family around here. I know if I tell him he'll put up a fight," I tell her getting inside the elevator.

"I'll tell him. I just wanted to confirm with you that Fernando called saying he still had to look into a few things and would be calling you next week," Great. "Also, your flight leaves Tuesday, and I've arranged that you don't have to come to the office Monday. The hotel suite is reserved in Italy for a week in case you have the need to stay longer and the house in Spain is ready," What did I do to get such amazing employees? The elevator door dings, opening and showcases our lobby.

"Thank you Alice, I appreciate it. Go home take the weekend off, and even the rest of the week I won't be here, you shouldnt be either." She truly deserves more vacation.

"We both know I'm needed here Ma'am," Alice tells me stopping at the lobby entrance. Even though I want her to have the vacation, it's true when I'm not here Alice is what keeps everything floating,"But I'll see you tonight," I nod and make my way to the car. I dont think it's good to surround myself with people as stubborn as me. But I love them.

I greet Luke and get inside the car sending the last couple emails I need to get out of the way before focusing the rest of my day on the event. But I receive a text, which makes me smile like an idiot.

Big Old Man: How's everything turning out?

I expected Aiden to be a lot of things, an asshole being the one. But to say he pleasantly surprised me is an understatement. I've known him for three months and just now I'm starting to realize how actually not so much of an asshole he is. He always made sure I ate, never let me drive myself home, he wanted to make sure I was ok after the shitty ball night. And after I opened up to him about what I do, I left. I left like he deserved it, like he hadn't already proven to me how great of a person he actually was already. And regardless of the fact I pushed him away without letting him even have a word about it, he came back to help me proving yet again how wrong I was to push him away. But after I let him in, he was just so, so. It has only been a day but I don't even know how to explain it but he has fulfilled everything he needed to and more. Kissing me every chance he gets, wrapping his arms around me every time I was even close to him, always whispering a dirty or snarky remark to me, and the best part, reading for me in his bed. Maybe it's just me because it has only been a night since I let him fully in again, and when I mean fully I mean completely but I don't want this to end, and I'm not planning on it to end.

He taught me how things are not as black and white as I put them to be. Because he can feel sorry for me not but not pity me, or think less of me.

Me: All good, I'm seeing Mariana soon, and then heading to the venue early.

Big Old Man: Yeah? How early?

Me: About an hour. Still at the office?

Big Old Man: Still at the office. Are you planning on telling me what color you're wearing yet, Sky.

Me: Over my dead body. Just go with black. You're killing four birds with one stone.

Big Old Man: I think the saying says two birds not four.

Me: I read once about twelve birds and one stone and it stuck with me, but since I can seem to find twelve, here are four: Black matches every color, your soul, your last name AND you look sexy in black.

Big Old Man: sexy, huh? Then if I'm wearing Black, you're wearing red.

Me: Not happening, I already picked out my outfit.

Big Old Man: Then a red lipstick. I want you to show me again what that little red mouth of yours can do.

I clench my legs together not even wanting to get the idea about last night. The last thing I need is being turned on right now.

Me: I'll see you later, Black. And you better be wearing black.

Big Old Man: See you soon, Sky.

When Luke pulls over to the cafe is when I realize I'm still smiling down at my phone. God, this man will be the end of me.

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