Chapter Twenty-Five

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I ended up letting him guide me to his car. I felt kind of like a bitch, he helped me with my grandfather and he offered to give me a ride home. I've been feeling like a bitch a lot around him lately, I guess those are the consequences of being around an asshole this often. He's not really an asshole though, because he's helped me this far, I should probably stop calling him that.

After we got inside, I texted Mark and Damon to make sure Mariana didn't do anything stupid, both of them asking what happened and to both of them I answered I would explain tomorrow. Aiden started driving and hasn't spoken since, I feel kinda dizzy, so I took the chance to put my head back and close my eyes. I should've eaten something before I left.

I hear him say something but can't exactly catch what he said. So I ask him to repeat it.

"You can't fall asleep," he says.

"And why is that?" Still not bothering to open my eyes.

"You can have a concussion, so you can't fall asleep," Ok, now he's being dramatic, I didn't get hit that hard.

"Yes, doctor thank you,"

"Don't be a smartass and don't fall asleep," I feel him glide his eyes towards me. "Eyes forward, Black," I tell him, still not opening my eyes.

"Come on, open your eyes." He still insists, but I don't want to.

"I'm good, and quit worrying about me. I wasn't even hit that hard," I heard him grunt.

"You shouldn't been hit at all, this is my fault I should've gotten there sooner,"

"Trust me I wasn't exactly eager to be bitch slapped tonight, and you should've waited longer, I was about to hit him back," I was completely not hitting back that man, no matter how much I wanted to. I'm not stupid like he is, because I will make sure that what he did to me will come back and bite him in the ass.

Aiden lets out a big sigh, and again I feel him looking at me, "Black, I would very much appreciate if we didn't get in an accident tonight, would you keep your eyes on the street for god's sake," I say starting to get agitated. I've been holding my tremor off since my first hit, but by now I don't even care. So, I try to hide my hand as much as possible and let it go at full force.

"Where's the ice?"

"I don't know if you know this, but it's incredible, there is this thing that they discovered that because of heat, in this case body heat ice melts converting into water, it's incredible, truly fascinating," here I go being a bitch again.

I suddenly feel the car stop, I assume we are at a red light. I still haven't bothered to open my eyes but then I hear the car door open, and I finally open my eyes. I look around and we're nowhere near my apartment, we're in brooklyn. Aiden comes around and opens my door, holding his hand out. I take it and slide in front of him making sure not to step on my gown. We look truly ridiculous here, he's in a tux and I'm in a floor length red dress.

"What are we doing here? I thought you were taking me home," I ask as he puts a hand in my low back and guides me where to walk. Right about now I realize how I should've picked the dress without the train. But it's not my fault I didn't know I would be dizzy even less that we would be walking. Aiden notices me struggling and he grabs some of the fabric on the side.

"I am, I'm just going to get you something to eat, you can't wait in the car I know you will fall asleep." I won't argue that, it's partly true.

"What are we getting?" I say excitedly, I can't hide it. I'm hungry.

"Pizza," he says as we stand in front of a pizza place. "What do you want?" he asks me before we enter.

"I'll get a slice of whatever you're having," I say, not really knowing what's good here.

He nodded, and said "wait here, I'll be right back," before going inside. I lean against a newspaper box, and breathe in the fresh air, or as fresh as it can get in New York. It's not even the weekend and there are a lot of people in the street and even more in the pizzeria. I study the congested streets, full of people and cats. I look towards all the shops around us and the asking that looks pitch black because of all the lights. It all looks so peaceful, I wish I could feel that way right now.

My mind is going at full force, Ik exhausted and drained and the worst thing is that I know I'll get to my apartment and won't be able to sleep it off. A little more than five minutes later Aiden comes back out holding two pizza boxes.

"Are you eating all that?" I ask, surprised by all the stuff he bought.

"We are," he says, handing me a pizza. I put it on top of the newspaper box I was leaning on and opened it. The smell hits my face, and I take a slice. Fuck I was hungry.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I got you one with everything."

"I appreciate it, you want some?"

"That's yours, I have mine right here," he says, signaling the box in his hand.

"You got me a whole pizza," I say, still surprised by it.

"Yes, now come on, let's find somewhere to sit," He says, signaling me to the door to go inside, but it's full and I'm not in the mood to be around people.

"Give me your keys," He frowns, and immediately says "You're not driving my car," ughh, he was doing so well until now.

"Come on, give me your keys,"

"You're not driving my car,"

"You don't trust me?" I say raising a challenging brow.

"No," he says completely seriously, "Just tell me where you want to go and I'll drive," he says taking out his key, and I take that as the opportunity to take the keys from his hand. And speed walked for it, grabbing a handful of my dress. Thank god I know how to run with heels.

"Valentina!" he says, jogging behind me, but I had the head start so I got to the door before he could. I get in the car and lock the door before he can open it, this may be childish but I wanna drive his Jaguar.

"Come on, I thought you were man enough to let a woman drive you around, clearly I was wrong," I tell him with a smirk, while he gets in the passenger seat. I let my hair down from half up half down, I was getting a headache and I felt him shake his head.

"Just drive, and for god sakes don't crash,"

"Coming from the man, who looks anywhere but the street when he drives," I say starting the car, I know exactly where we're going.

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