Chapter Thirty-Two

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He never let me take a cab late and always drove me home, and since I couldn't exactly drive him, I figured I should let him stay. That's nice right? I showed him to the guest room and told him I would grab some clothes from Mark, that he could sleep in. Mariana was awake when I knocked on her door.

"You good?" she asked as soon as it opened.

"You're not asleep, I thought you were tired," and as soon as she opened her mouth I got the idea, "you know what I dont want to know." I told her before she said anything, and she smirks.

"I need a shirt and sweatpants from Mark, the biggest one he has," Aiden is taller than Mark and a bit buffer so lets hope the clothes fit.

"Umm sure," Mariana says hesitantly, opening the door so I can walk in with her. "Why do you need it?" she shouts from her bedroom.

"Aiden is staying in the guest room and he doesn't have any clothes," I tell her when she walks back in with a white shirt and black sweatpants.

"He's staying?" she asks with a smirk and cocked brow. "Yeah, he had been drinking and couldn't drive, so I offered him the guest room," I told her, grabbing the clothes and walking towards the door. When I look back at Mariana the smirk still hasnt left her face.

"I'm just being nice," I told her, "and you were the one who invited him to stay for dinner, so it's your fault he drank,"

"Is this your way of thanking me?" she responded smugly, I want to punch her.

"Good night Mariana," I tell her, closing the door behind me.


I knocked on the guestroom door and Aiden did not answer. He said he was taking a shower, maybe he's still in there and can't hear me. I knock again and no answer, that's when I decide on opening the door. I'll just put the clothes on the bed quickly and leave, it's no big deal right?

I leave the clothes on the bed and turn around to leave, when I hear, "now who's the one that doesn't knock," Instinctively turn around following the voice. My head snaps towards him and see his wet hair that instead of a rich brown looks almost black. He just got out of the shower.

No matter how hard I try not to look down, I still do. Noting every single detail from his broad shoulders, his slightly narrower waist, his hard chest, a defined pack of abs, all glistened by water. But when I look lower I only see a white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. Fuck me.

I remember what I was doing here in the first place, and think of how long I have been looking and how long his question has been unanswered.

"I did knock, and you didn't answer," I say looking up at him and being met with a smirk.

"What if I was naked on the bed sleeping?" he says walking towards me. I swallow.

"I assessed the probabilities of what I was being met with when I opened the door, and I assure you that was very low on the list," I told him, as serious as I could be. Standing chest to chest he looks down at me, "Probabilities still have a chance of happening," he starts when I move my head up to meet his green eyes.

"I'm glad seeing me naked is a chance you're willing to take," he said, kissing the top of my head and walking back towards the bathroom. "Good night Valentina," he says right before closing the door and leaving me in the guest room stunned at whatever just happened.


I decided to forget what happened a couple hours ago. I blamed the alcohol for both my reaction to him and his remark. I took a shower, and grabbed a book since I don't have much work and it's still too early to go to the gym. It had been hours later when I got thirsty, I still didn't want to get up but then I remembered that the last time I went to the cafe I bought some ice cream and there's a tub in my freezer. That became motivation enough.

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