Chapter Forty-Eight

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He's driving me home because he's taking me out. Aiden Black is taking me out on a date. And he won't tell me where we are fucking going. I asked him everywhere, the movies, dinner, the park, fucking everywhere and he won't tell me where we're going. I quit asking ten minutes ago, and resulted in not saying anything anymore. I'm not wasting my breath anymore.

We've had an amazing day this far. Last night, Aiden not only took me once, or twice but three times in his shower, and afterwards I could barely stand without leaning on the wall. He washed me and tucked me under his arm in his bed, as we finished our novel. Aiden eventually fell asleep while I couldn't. I simply had too much on my mind, most of it being the man that was laying beside me. I know we are moving fast, maybe too fast, but even though I put a lot of thought into it, I couldn't find myself to care enough, at least not enough to stop.

I woke up from my two hour sleep, full of bliss for the second time in my life because of our heated night. He woke up to me running my hand through his hair—last night I discovered why it was so silky, using a shampoo that probably cost more than a pair of my shoes, which is a lot to say. We spent the rest of the morning talking about everything and nothing, as Aiden would frustratedly put it. Soon he got a work call and I started to wander around his apartment, I could've been answering a few emails that I know have come through by mid-morning even though it is Saturday, but I basically worked all night last night, making small talk with people I don't like talking to, so I decided I deserved a break at least for the morning. His apartment is exactly what I had seen before, dull. No pictures, no knick knacks, no nothing, so empty of personality, but when I walked into his office, everything was there. He had book-shelves filled with law books, a desk as slick, dark and organized as him, but what caught my eye were the pictures. There were a few of him with two other guys, one of him sitting down, and one of him with an arm around the shoulders of a smaller smiling woman at the beach. I recognize her. It's Aiden's mom.

He was sitting on his big black leather couch, talking on the phone, ankle propped up on his knee, his intense gaze watching me analyze the room. He looked so enticing and so full of himself that when he finished his call and went to sit down on his chair. You can guess what we did next.

After that he simply made food for me, which was surprisingly good and when we finished Aiden said he was driving me home so that I could get changed because we were going out.

The car stops in front of my apartment building, and I don't say anything. "Would you stop being pissed, I want to surprise you." I'm not pissed.

"Do I look like the kind of woman who likes surprises?" I raise my brow at him. I hate surprises, I hate not knowing what it's coming, and I hate losing control of a situation.

"That's exactly why I'm doing it, you need to let me handle things. I assure you, you'll enjoy it," He says, putting a hand on my thigh. Last night he told me I took too much care of others, but that's how I like things. I don't like anyone babying me, or taking the control away from me, but maybe with Aiden I'll consider it.

"I assume I don't have much of an option do I?"

"Precisely. I'll be here at three thirty, be ready. And wear something casual," That makes me stop from leaving the car, and turn to him.


"Yes casual, you know relaxed, unconcerned, informal," I threw him a glare, not needing a thesaurus.

"Black, I'm starting to think you don't know me as much as I thought you did. First surprises then casual, what's next? We're going bungee jumping?"

"Don't give me ideas." He says with a grin and I return it with a hard stare. This is going to end right here if he takes me bungee jumping. "

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