Chapter Twenty-One

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I started my day grumpy and sleepless, then I got some sleep in the car and coffee and it got better, then I got to the office and things went smoothly, and now everything is horrible again.

After Mariana and I got here, I spent most of my afternoon in the office. Aiden had to cancel our lunch because he said he had a meeting with his father. So I decided to finally meet the woman who was put to lead our new and improved legal department. And she was fantastic, I didn't have a doubt in my mind everything would be better, she rambled about improving their office with a new file system, which I certainly agreed to. And told me all the other changes she wanted to make. Then I worked on some upcoming projects. I've been pushing my trip to Europe because of these court hearings but I'll have to go soon, to finalize the app launch date and oversee the departments in Spain. So I got Alice to set the date for three days after Mariana's engagement party, which led me to call my event planner and ask how everything was coming together.

But then I was sitting in a boardroom in a building, which I don't know to whom it belongs to and I honestly don't care, because I'm starting to regret not hitting the bag this morning. After the Millers lawyer had the audacity to ask for more money.

"We are asking the accused to give a fifty million reward to our client for plagiarized work." That's what he said. Plagiarized work, as if we could do that. The only thing I saw was red. I wanted to beat the crap out of something, preferably the bastard of a lawyer standing in front of me. But somehow I kept my composure.

"Your honor, you can't even consider this, he's asking for a reward in something he doesn't even have sufficient evidence to prove happened." The only good thing that happened was that Aiden kept his word. But he started too late because our last court date was coming to bite me in the ass. I knew it would get to the Millers head, I knew that something would go down, but now that is happening I still can't believe it.

"We do have enough proof." That's the last thing I heard before I zoned everyone out, they didn't need me I was just here as a bystander. And if I wanted us to get in less trouble it was better for me to zone out, because I was about to punch someone.

"This wasn't what I expected." Aiden said as soon as everyone left the room and we were the only one's there. I didn't respond, I don't know what to say. Well I do know what I want to say, I want to tell him I told you so, I knew this was going to happen and he brushed it off like he had it handled. But I'm too drained to even discuss this today.

"Are you good?" He asks, looking at my expressionless face.

"Hmm." That's the only thing I say.

"We got everything under control. They aren't going to ask for more money and I made it very clear to the council they didn't have enough evidence. Enough that by next court date they'll give us the final decision." He tells me starting to pick up his paperwork. By now nothing will surprise me, whatever they decide I'll have to face head on with Mariana by my side.

"Good." I say in a low voice, and move towards the door. I'm not in the mood for chit chat. I'm over this, it's so tiring and it's draining me. I want to go home, read a book, drink a glass of wine and see if I can get some sleep. I want to forget today, because if I dwell on it I know I will start crying.

"Valentina," Aiden says, and stops me in my tracks as soon as I reach the door to step out. I turn and face him waiting on what he has to say.

After a few silent seconds, nothing has been said. I turn around to leave again. But his words stop me once again. "I'm sorry." That's what he said, he's apologizing. I assumed because of the mess he made last trial, but I still turned around and raised a questioning brow.

"I shouldn't have brushed off, last trial it's my fault you are in this situation-" but I cut him off.

"Don't be sorry, this is on me." I tell him because it truly is. I underestimate my grandparents, I let my guard down, forgetting about them, I let them infiltrate my company. I was careless and now I'm paying the price for it.

Aiden furrows his brows. "It's not, it's on me but I promise I will win this for you." he says. That seems to settle in a place I don't want it settling so before I think too deeply about it I brush it off.

"Aiden don't-" but suddenly my phone starts vibrating in my purse. I take it out and see that it is Alice.

"Alice?" I say, as soon as the phone reaches my ear.

"Ms. Callaghan, where are you?"

"On my way to the office then home, why?" I know I need to go to the office. I have paperwork to go through, so I have to pick it up before I go home.

"You're not heading home now? When are you going to prepare? It's almost six thirty and you need to leave by at least eight." She says, but I have no clue what she's talking about.

"Prepare for what Alice?"

"The ball. Today is the December Charity Ball, ma'am" Shit, today is the first of December. I completely forgot why hasn't anyone mentioned this today. I don't have anything to wear, I don't have shoes, I need someone for hair and makeup, what the hell am I going to do.

"Alice, I don't have-"

"There are three dress and shoe options waiting for you at your apartment. And a hair and makeup artist for you and Ms.Falco." I need to give Alice another raise. She is a lifesaver.

"Thank you, Alice."

"I figured you forgot, so I ran out during my lunch break and bought you the dresses. Luke is waiting for you outside the building, and the limousine will be ready for you by the time you are ready for the ball."

"Alice, thank you." I needed to go back to the office. I need my checkbook to donate, but I'll dig one up from my apartment.

"No problem." she says and hangs up. There goes my calm evening drinking wine and reading a book. I don't know how I'll get through today.

"Is everything ok?" Aiden asks.

"Yes everything is fine, I have to go. I have an event. Don't blame yourself for what just went down." It is partly his fault but there are many people at fault before him. "See you around Black." I say and move towards the door with real intention to leave this time. I need to start getting ready.

"Oh, and do me a favor." I say right before going. He nods and I continue, "Don't disappear this time." I tell him, I don't know what came over me. But last time after the trial he went MIA and I don't want that. I don't need that. I don't know if it's because of me or my company but I still don't want it.

"I won't." he says surely, with a nod. So, I nod back, feeling strangely relieved. And run downstairs to the car where Luke is waiting for me. So, I can get home and get ready for the big December first charity ball.

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