Chapter Twenty

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Today has been the worst night in a while. I spent hours reading and in the gym and not even the concealer can cover the darkness under my eyes or take away the tired look off my face. Usually I get at least two or three hours of sleep that lets me run in a lot of coffee but today, I got none. But I'm stressed and I'm nervous because today is the second hearing date, and I really don't want it to go like last time. Regardless I trust Aiden, he's spent the last two weeks reassuring me that I don't need to hire another lawyer because he's the best and he knows what's he's doing but I know my grandparents I know how their brain works and I know like many other people what they crave the most is power and if they had power over me or my company just tiny bit I'll know they'll go crazy. Their lawyer most likely told them how everything went, and I know that must have gotten to their heads, so I know something is coming but I just can't be sure of what since I've clearly underestimated them in the past.

My tremor has been back too, this is freaking me out more than I care to admit. But you have to understand I could lose everything I've built in the last six years of my life, and I won't let that happen. I've fought hard to be here and I will fight even harder to stay. I shake my tremor away and slide in my contacts. After not sleeping and the heaviness in my eyes I dont think its a good idea to wear contacts but what other choice do I have, I only wear my glasses at my house when no one is over because I don't like people seeing the same eyes she had that night, so big, so blue and so scared.

I need to pull myself together. Through the years I've tried to hide behind my mask, not showing any emotions, not letting anyone see but that has become a difficult challenge lately. With my tremors making their unwanted appearances and always being surrounded by people, it's not going to be easy to remain calm, but I'm sure as hell not bursting out and telling everyone my life story, so I have to suck up everything and try and stop my hand before it even starts.

"Hey Lidia," I say, dropping my bag on the kitchen counter and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"You look like hell." She says in her accent while I grab a cup and fill it with coffee.

"Yeah, long night." I tell her, sitting down with a big sigh. I still don't tell her about my sleepless nights, that will only worry her, and that's the last thing this woman needs.

"You need your sleep, it's what keeps us bellas." (beautiful)

"So am I no longer pretty?" I ask sarcastically, maybe I can get out of this one.

"Who said you were ever pretty?" Mariana says walking in the kitchen. I didn't even hear when the doors opened.

"Always a bitch, I see." I take a sip of the coffee in front of me and inhale deeply.

"Language." Lidia scolds. I don't even know why she bothers anymore, we still say everything outside of here and she knows it.

"Only for you." Mariana says coming from behind me and giving me a hug. "Come on, we need to get going." she says excitingly. Someone is in a good mood today, I wish it was me.

"Why so jumpy? let me drink my coffee, you know better than to hurry me."

"I'm finishing a project today and I need to submit it before tonight." She says taking the cup from my hand, taking a sip and dumping the rest on the sink. What. The. Hell.

"I'm going to kill you. WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" I put my arms on the table and my head follows. I'm not in the mood for jumpy or not having my coffee.

"Don't waste food, Mariana." Lidia scolds her and hits her in the back of her head. "And go easy on Val, she didn't get any sleep last night." Thank you, at least someone understands me. But that doesn't help my case because even though I'm not watching her I can feel Marianas heavy stare on me. I'm not going to stop listening to this.

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