Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, at 8am, before groaning and shutting it off. I really was NOT a morning person. I check my messages to see that Nathan had messaged me this morning. After we finished the call last night, I had huge smile plastered on my face. He was so funny and so sweet.

From: Nathan,
 Good morning Sofia! We still on for lunch?
 - Nathan x

To: Nathan,
 Good Morning Nath! Of course we're still on for lunch. I just need to get ready.
 - Sofia x

From: Nathan,
 Great! See you at 11!
 - Nathan x

I smile before grabbing a towel and going for a shower. Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around myself before going to my wardrobe and picking an outfit for the day.

 Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around myself before going to my wardrobe and picking an outfit for the day

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I then straighten my hair and tie it up in a high ponytail. I do my natural makeup before grabbing my bag and putting my phone and purse inside.

I carefully walk down the stairs before saying morning to my mum and my brothers. I then go into the kitchen and get a glass of water before realising I had 1 hour to spare before Nathan picked me up.

"You look nice. Going anywhere nice?" I hear my mum say as she sits at the kitchen table with me.
"Just going out for lunch with Nathan before we start to discuss the song I wrote." I say as she looks at me confused.
"Nathan?" She questions as I nod.
"Yeah. He's the guy I'm doing a duet with to help boost my career." I reply as she nods and makes herself a cup of tea.

At 11, I hear a knock at the door. I go to the door and open it to see Nathan stood there. He was wearing black jeans, black converse, a blue shirt and the same denim jacket from the day before. His hair, this time, was left curly, and not styled, as he stood there and smiled at me.

"You ready to go?" He asks as I nod.
"Uh, yeah. Just come in a sec. I need to clear my glass." I say as he steps inside and waits in the hall.

I walk into the kitchen and wash my glass before saying bye to my mum and my brothers.

"Let's go." I say as I open the door for Nathan and we step out in the sun.

We get into Nathan's car before he drives us to a bar/restaurant and we sit in a corner away from everyone else.

"Uh, I bought the lyrics and music sheet if you wanna go over them?" I ask as Nathan nods and looks through them.
"I like the second verse." He says as I smile.
"Good because that verse is yours." I reply as he smiles at me and holds my hand over the table.
"Sing your part to me?" He asks as I smile and take lyrics before starting to sing my part.
"I'd like to say we gave it a try, I'd like to blame it all on life..." I start as Nathan smiles at me.

Once I'd finished my verse, we ordered our food and drinks before going over the lyrics and the chords once again. Nathan sings his part to me as I smile. He already knew the tune and he was really good at reading the chords.

Nathan takes my hand across the table again as I blush and look down before there's a flash out of the corner of my eye.

"Uh, Nath. We have company." I say as I see a couple of paps around us.
"Crap. We need to leave." He says as I agree and we make our way outside to the car.

I log on to Twitter and see that a couple of photos of us were already online. I show Nathan as he sighs and calls Rachel to find out what we needed to do now. She calls us into her office so Nathan drives us there.

Once we get into Rachel's office, she shuts the door.

"So guys, you were caught at lunch and you was holding hands. The paps are gonna come up with a story to go with these pictures." Rachel says as I sigh, "You're gonna have to go along with what they say." She explains as I sigh and put my head in my hands.
"This isn't supposed to happen." I mumble as I feel Nathan rubbing my back.
"What do we have to do, Rach?" Nathan asks as Rachel shrugs.
"Go out on dates, kiss, cuddle, hold hands in public. Don't deny any of the rumours unless it is way off like, pregnancy and marriage. You need to be seen in public together and in interviews together." Rachel says as I nod.
"What if we actually start to like each other... For real?" Nathan asks as I feel myself go bright red.
"That's for you guys to decide. Not me." She says before explaining a few more things.

Once Rachel dismisses us, Nathan and I get back in his car as he starts to drive me home. He pulls up outside my house as we sit there in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm so sorry, Sofia. This wasn't supposed to happen." Nathan says as I look at him and place my hand on his.
"Hey. Don't worry about it. Once the song and video are released, this would've happened anyway. There would've been rumours about us, Nath." I say as he smiles at me, "We'll get through this." I reply as Nathan starts to lean in.

I smile and close my eyes, letting Nathan's lips connect with mine. I feel a spark before Nathan pulls away as he smiles and I bite my lip.

"See you later?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah." I reply as he smiles again.
"I'll take you on an official date tomorrow night. See you later." He says again as I get out of the car and wave him off.
"Sofia! What the hell was that?!" I hear Sam's voice as I turn around.

I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

Especially to Sam.

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