Chapter 11

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"Have you ever thought about having kids?" Nathan asks me as we pull up outside of mine.
"I mean, yeah. I would want kids one day. Right now, I just wanna focus on my career and what's happening now. I want a family one day, just not yet. I don't think I'm ready for a family yet. Have you?" I ask as he smiles and nods.
"Yeah. I've thought about it. I mean, I've always wanted a family. I've not really put much thought into it because I've been so focused on everything else that it's not been something I've worked towards." Nathan says as I take off my seatbelt.

We both get out of the car before entering my mums house to see everyone there, including Shane and Olivia. We sit in the living room with them and just listen to the conversation since we had nothing to say. There wasn't much we could say since we walked in halfway through the conversation.

"You guys doing anything later?" I hear Sam ask as I then realise he's talking to us.
"For what?" I ask as Sam rolls his eyes.
"Your anniversary dummy." He says as I look at Nathan.
"Are we?" I ask as he nods.
"Uh, yeah. I made reservations. Was you guys planning to do something?" Nathan asks as Sam shakes his head.
"No. I was just wondering." He says as I nod and carry on looking at the floor.

I was thinking about the conversation Nathan and I had in the car. Why would he randomly ask me about if I ever wanted a family? It was really random and I don't understand why he'd asked me.

"Can we talk?" I ask Nathan as he nods and we go up to my room.
"What's up?" He asks as I shrug.
"Why did you randomly ask me if I wanted a family?" I ask as he shrugs.
"It was on my mind because Olivia's pregnant and you seemed upset when she told us. I thought you'd want to talk about something like that. I'm sorry?" He says as I hug him.
"Please don't apologise. I was just wondering because it was really random." I say as his arms wrap around me tightly.
"Look, I thought there was something on your mind and I thought that asking you that question would help you open up to me. I understand that it wasn't the best way to ask you if you had something on your mind and I understand if you don't wanna talk about it, if there is something on your mind." Nathan says as I look up at him and kiss him softly.
"I'm sorry. There's nothing on my mind. I promise. It was just a bit random the way you asked me and I thought there was something else behind it or to it." I say as Nathan shakes his head.
"Sofia, we've only been together a year. I'm not ready for a family yet and neither are you. You said that yourself. We're not ready. As a couple or anything." Nathan says as I nod.
"I know. I'm sorry." I say as Nathan leans down and kisses me softly.
"We should start getting ready to go out soon, okay?" He asks as I nod.


Once we were ready, Nathan took me to a nice restaurant just outside of town. He gave his last name and we got seated at a table in the corner of the restaurant, out of the way of any fans or paps that might be hanging about, since this restaurant was pretty popular. 

We were given our menus before we decided what we wanted to eat and ordered a bottle of champagne. 

"I have a present for you." Nathan says as I smile at him.
"You didn't have to get me anything." I say as he smiles at me.
"I wanted to." He says before pulling a velvet box out of his pocket.

He opens the box to reveal a shiny silver ring in the shape of an infinity sign.

"With this ring, I promise to love you for eternity. I promise that I will be by your side through all our ups and downs. I promise to always support you and love you no matter what." Nathan says as I start to tear up, "This promise ring proves that you are mine and I am yours forever." Nathan says, sliding the ring on my right ring finger as I hug him and kiss him softly.
"You're so cute." I tell him as he beams at me and kisses me again, "I got you something too." I say as Nathan smiles and I pull out a velvet box.

I open it to show a leather bracelet. It had the date we got together engraved on the front with our names and on the back it had the words 'always and forever'.

"Baby, I love it so much." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him softly.

I do the bracelet up around his wrist as he smiles and kisses me again.

"And you say I'm cute,." He whispers as I smile and poke his nose.
"You are." I reply as he kisses me once again before our food arrives and we eat.


Once we'd finished in the restaurant, Nathan takes my hand and drives us back into town as we go and sit by the water fountain in the middle of town. I sit and look into the water. It was peaceful and it was beautiful.

"I hope tonight was good for you." Nathan says out of nowhere as I look at him.
"Nath, it was the best. What's wrong?" I ask as I place my hand on his cheek.
"It's the first time I've ever planned something like this. I want it to be perfect." Nathan says as I kiss him.
"It already is perfect." I say as Nathan smiles and kisses me, "We can make it extra perfect." I say, looking into his eyes as he smirks at me.
"Really?" He asks as I nod.
"Take me home and I'll show you..." I trail off as we run to Nathan's car...

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