Chapter 13

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The next morning, I wake up next to Nathan and turn to see him facing away from me again. I didn't drink a lot last night whereas Nathan and my brothers were wasted. I decide to get up and grab a shower before everyone wakes up and has to use all of the aspirin.

I sort myself out before getting dressed and sorting my hair and makeup. I then check my emails and see one from Rachel. She was wishing me a happy birthday and reminding me that I need to be in recording next week.

I sigh and place my phone on my dressing table.

"What's wrong?" I hear a groggy voice from behind me as I turn to see Nathan awake.
"Nothing baby. Go back to sleep." I say as he nods and puts his head back down, falling back asleep almost instantly.

I roll my eyes and smile before softly kissing his forehead and leaving him to sleep. I leave my room and quietly shut the door before heading downstairs and sitting in the kitchen with my mum. We have a small chat about the party last night while I grab myself some juice.

"Have you seen my songbook?" I ask as mum nods.
"Yeah. It's in the living room on top of the table." She says as I smile and thank her.

I grab it and then take it to the kitchen with me before looking through it and finalising a few songs for Rachel.

"Um, Sof?" I hear my mum ask as I look up, "You didn't open one of your presents." She says, handing me a present.
"That's because Nathan said not ot open it until he wasn't with me." I say as mum nods.
"He's not here now. He's sleeping. Do you want to open it?" She asks as I nod and take it.
"Thanks." I reply as I open my present.

I see a velvet box and open it to find a necklace and matching earrings. There's also a note that says 'Wear these on our 2 year anniversary date.' What? That isn't for another 364 days and anything could happen in that time.

I just shrug it off and place the box nonstop of my songbook while I finish my juice before taking my songbook and my present off Nathan upstairs, placing them in the box under the bed where I keep al my important stuff.

"Hey." I hear Nathan groan as I sit on the bed next to him.
"Hey. How you feeling?" I ask as he shrugs.
"I don't have a hangover so, that's good." He says as I smile.
"Yeah. That's good. It's just me and my mum that's up at the minute." I say as Nathan nods.
"Okay." He says as I smile and kiss him softly.

Nathan deepens the kiss, pulling me to kneel above him. I pull away and place my forehead on his.

"You do love me in this position, don't you?" I ask as he smirks.
"Of course I do." He says, smirking as I kiss him again.
"So, I'm recording next week. Wanna come?" I ask as he nods.
"Sure. Why not?" He replies as I peck his lips quickly and leave him to get dressed as I sit downstairs with my mum again.

The rest of this week is gonna go by so fast.

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