Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm skipping to their 1 year anniversary and then everything is gonna slow down from there.


~ 4 months later ~

I wake up with Nathan's arms round my waist and smile. He was currently staying at mine while he had work done on his kitchen and it was our 1 year anniversary today. I turn over to face him while he was asleep and cuddle into him more, causing him to pull me closer. I breathe in his scent and kiss his chest lightly as he nuzzles his face into my neck. I feel him lightly kiss my neck as I smile and giggle a little.

"Good morning, Nathan." I say as he kisses my neck again.
"Good morning, beautiful." He mumbles into my neck as I pull away from him, "No, come back." He whines as I snuggle into him again.
"Happy anniversary." I say as Nathan kisses me.
"Happy anniversary, baby." He replies as I smile and kiss him again.
"Do you not want breakfast?" I ask as Nathan shakes his head.
"No. I don't want to get up yet. You're keeping me warm." Nathan says as I smile and pull away from him.
"Well too bad because I'm starving." I reply as Nathan frowns at me and pulls the covers over his head.
"I'll wait for you here." Nathan mumbles as I giggle and grab my dressing gown.

I go downstairs to find my mum sat with Sam, watching the morning news. I say hi to them before making myself a cup of tea and some cereal. I join my mum and Sam in the living room as I eat my breakfast and just watch the news with them. It wasn't as interesting as it used to be when I was younger but, it was something to do while I ate.

"Is Nathan not eating this morning?" My mum asks as I shake my head.
"No. He doesn't want to get up yet. I'll be going back up soon for a shower and to get dressed." I say.
"Okay." My mum says as I finish my breakfast and my cuppa.

I wash up my pots before going back up the stairs and finding Nathan still underneath the covers. I roll my eyes before laying myself down on top of Nathan as he groans.

"Sofia, get off." He moans, pushing me off him as I laugh and look under the covers at him.
"What you doing under there?" I ask as Nathan crawls up the bed and kisses me softly.
"It's a secret." He whispers, kissing me again as I roll my eyes at him.
"Yeah, sure. You travelling to Narnia under there?" I ask as Nathan sits up against the headboard.
"Maybe I did. You'll never know." He says as I roll my eyes and grab some towels from my wardrobe.
"I'm going for a shower." I say as Nathan grabs his phone.


Once I was out of the shower and dressed, I went back into my room and allowed Nathan to take a shower after me. I sat at my dressing table and dried my hair before tying it into twin French plaits. I then did my makeup before grabbing my heels to go with my outfit.

 I then did my makeup before grabbing my heels to go with my outfit

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"Oh. My. God." I hear from the doorway as I turn to see Nathan stood there, looking at me.
"What?" I ask as he places his hands on my hips, bringing me close to him.
"You look beautiful." He says as I blush and kiss him softly.

Even though I'm wearing heels, he was still so much taller than me.

"How did I get so lucky." He says, against my lips as I giggle and kiss him again.
"I'm the lucky one." I say as he smiles and pulls away, "Anyway, where are we going?" I ask Nathan as he shrugs.
"I don't know. I thought you planned something." He says as I shake my head.
"Nope." I reply as Nathan chuckles.
"We'll go to town. I don't care if we get seen, it's our anniversary and I want you by my side through it all." Nathan says as I smile.
"Hold on." I say before dragging Nathan to my full length mirror.

I take a picture of us together before posting it on Instagram and Twitter with the caption: 'Happy 1 year to us!'

Nathan smiles before retweeting on Twitter and commenting on Instagram. He then posts the same picture on his accounts with the same caption before taking my hand as we make our way to the car.


Once we get into town, we decide to go to Starbucks and grab ourselves a drink before we sit at one of the benches in town while we finish our drinks. Nathan and I sit in silence for a while, not really having anything to say to each other. We never really had much to say anyway.

"So, Olivia's got a small bump now." Nathan says as I nod.
"I mean, she is 4 months pregnant." I reply as Nathan nods.
"Girl or boy?" Nathan asks as I smile.
"I think it's gonna be a girl." I say.
"Lets make a bet." Nathan says.
"Okay, sure. What is it?" I ask as Nathan smiles.
"If you win, you have to make dinner." Nathan says as I think.
"Okay and if you win?" I ask as Nathan thinks for a moment.
"If I win, I'll do whatever you want for the whole day." Nathan says as I think and nod.
"Okay." I say as we shake on it, "Deal."

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