Chapter 15

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"I think we need to talk." Nathan says as I look up at him.
"About what?" I ask as Nathan takes my hands.
"Us." Nathan says, showing no emotion.
"W-what about us?" I stutter, unable to understand what he's talking about.
"I think we need to break up." And that's when I felt my heart break.
"W-what? W-why?" I ask as Nathan sighs and lets go of my hands.
"It's not working." He says, scratching the back of his neck, "Come on. I'll walk you home." He says as I stand up and shake my head.
"N-no. I'll walk myself." I say,, ripping my necklace off, with his key on it, and placing it into his hands.

I leave the café and go the opposite way of home. I didn't want to go home right now. I get to the water fountain in the middle of town and sit on the edge before breaking down in tears. Things were going well. We'd only had one fight and he wanted us to move on from it and put it behind us. Why is he breaking up with me? I don't understand. I thought he loved me.


I finally make it home before shutting the door behind me and placing my beg on the table beside the door.

"Hey Sof!2 I hear Sam exclaim as I look at him, the tears clear in my eyes, "Hey. Hey. What's the matter?" He comes and wraps his arms round me tightly as I breakdown in his arms.
"Nathan. He broke up with me." I sob as Sam carries me into the living room and sits me on his knee, cradling me softly.
"I thought it was going well between you both?" He ask as I sob harder.
"So did I." I sob before burying my face in Sam's chest and just letting all my emotions go.


Once I'd calmed down, Sam carried me up to bed and placed me under the covers.

"Go to sleep, Sof. Don't get changed or anything, just sleep, okay?" He says as I nod and close my eyes, allowing Sam to leave the room.

I was tired and I was upset.


A/N: Okay, another short one guys because the next one will be longer.

Love y'all

Cee x

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