Chapter 16

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~ 2 weeks later ~

I sat in the bathroom staring at the two pinks lines I didn't want to see. This can't be happening right now. Nathan hasn't spoken to me since we broke up and now I'm pregnant. This can't be happening!

My stomach churns as I lean over the toilet bowl and throw up again. I've been like this for the past week so I thought I'd buy the test and I thought it'd be negative so I could rule it out but now, this rules everything else out. I need to tell Nathan.

Once I was sure I was done, I got ready and placed the test in a food bag. I grabbed my handbag and got in my car, driving to Nathan's. He needs to know about the baby.

When I pulled up outside his house, I noticed his car was there which meant that he should be in. I got out of my car and knocked on his front door, waiting for an answer. He opened the door and smiled a weak smile at me.

He had quite a bit of stubble and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. He'd been crying.

"Good morning, Nathan. Can I come in?" I ask as he steps aside and lets me in.
"How have you been?" He asks as I shrug.
"Could've been better. You?" I ask as he shrugs.
"I miss you, Sofia. Nobody knows that we've split yet." He says as I shrug, "I want you back." He says as I smile a little.
"We can talk about this later but, I need to show you something." I say as he nods and I pull the food bag out of my bag.
"Is that a..." He trails off.
"Pregnancy test Yes." I say as his face turns pure white.
"Are you?" He asks as I close my eyes and nod.
"Yes." I whisper.
"Fuck!" He exclaims, turning and walking into his living room.
"My thoughts exactly." I reply as he turns to me.
"How long?" He asks as I shrug.
"I found out this morning. It's been about 3 weeks since we last had sex. It was my birthday, remember?" I ask as Nathan nods.
"Yeah, I remember." He says as I look at the floor.
"My baby needs a daddy, Nathan." I say as it was now his turn to look at the floor, "Why did you break up with me?" I ask as he cups my face in his hands and kisses me.
"I don't know why I broke up with you. I never should've broken up with you. It was a stupid, stupid mistake. I love you and only you." He says as I feel my heart start to mend itself, "You're wearing the jewellery I got you for your birthday?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Uh, yeah. I left them in from last night. It was dad's birthday and we went to his grave yesterday." I say as Nathan smiles.
"They look beautiful on you." He says as I blush and smile.

He still gives me butterflies and makes me blush. I still love him. So much.

"About me wanting you back, Sof." He says as I put a finger to his lips.
"If you want me, you can have me." I whisper as Nathan smiles and kisses me.
"Good." He says.
"We'll just pick up where we left off then?" I ask as Nathan nods.
"I was thinking about something that I was gonna do on our 2 year anniversary but with this new information and how I feel about you, I want ot do it now." Nathan says as I nod and he runs upstairs.

When he comes back down, he was dressed and he'd shaved. He was holding some things.

"First of all, here's your promise ring and you key back." Nathan says as I see he's put the key on a new chain.

He clips the necklace round my neck while I put the ring back on my finger. When I turn round, Nathan is down on one knee, holding an open box with a diamond ring.

"Will you, Sofia Anne Greene, marry me?" He asks as the tears fill my eyes and I nod.
"Yes, Nathan James Sykes. I will marry you." I say as he puts the ring on my finger and kisses me.
"This is the best make-up, get back together day ever." Nathan whispers, kissing me again as I kiss him back.


A/N: Okay, all the drama out of the way. Enjoy!

Love y'all

Cee x

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