Chapter 24

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~ 2 Months Later ~

I was laid in a new, clean hospital bed holding mine and Nathan's tiny baby boy. We decided to call him Jacob. He was beautiful and I wouldn't change him for the world. 

Nathan sat beside the bed, looking at our baby boy with me. His eyes were red and puffy since he'd recently just stopped crying.

"Isn't he beautiful?" I say as Nathan chuckles.
"Beautiful? He's bloody gorgeous." Nathan says as I smile and giggle.
"Isn't he just?" I ask as Nathan kisses my forehead.

After about 20mins, my family and Nathan's family walk in as we introduce them to our baby boy. They all have a cuddle with him before he's handed back to me.

"How are you feeling?" I hear Sam ask as I smile at him.
"I'm really sore but I'm okay." I say as Sam smiles and kisses my forehead.
"You're gonna be an amazing mum, Sof. Nathan and Jacob are so lucky." Sam says as I smile.
"Sometimes, I feel like I'm the lucky one." I say before smiling at Nathan as he squeezes my hand lightly.


Once everyone had left, I was discharged and Nathan drove us home. Jacob was in his car seat and I sat in the back with him while Nathan drove. We stayed silent the whole way home. For the first time since we got together, I had nothing to say.

Once we got home, I placed Jacob in his cot in the nursery before switching on the night light and the baby monitor. I then leave the room and shut the door before walking into mine and Nathan's room.

"Hey." Nathan says as I smile and untie my hair.
"Hey." I say while tying my hair into a loose braid.
"Are you okay?" Nathan asks as I nod and place the baby monitor on the bedside cabinet.
"I'm okay." I say before changing into my pyjamas and climbing into bed beside Nathan.
"Is he sleeping?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod.
"For now." I say as Nathan chuckles.
"You should get some rest." Nathan says as I smile and kiss him.
"So should you." I reply as he smiles and we lay down together.

Nathan wraps his arms around my waist before kissing the back on my neck softly and holding me close.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Nathan says as I smile.
"Goodnight, handsome."

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