Chapter 22

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6 months pregnant

"Nath, have you seen my bag?" I ask as Nathan holds it up for me.
"Don't worry. We have everything. You probably have baby brain and forgot that you asked me to hold it while you look for your keys, which I'm also holding." Nathan says, now holding up my keys as I roll my eyes.
"Thank you," I say as Nathan pecks my lips and we leave the house.

We had a radio interview this morning, then lunch, and then we were going to the studio to work on Nathan's next single. I was really worried because I didn't want to be late and my brain wasn't working the best today. I also didn't want to say something stupid while we were on air. I tend to do that sometimes.

Nathan pulled up outside of the radio building and took my hand as we walked in. We buzzed in before going to where we needed to be and meeting Rachel there. She tells us what we're gonna be doing and what we're gonna be talking about before turning to me fully.

"Sofia, they want you to perform 'Focus'. Can you do that?" Rachel asks as I nod and smile. (A/N: Please remember that Sofia is played by Ariana Grande so I will be using most of Ariana's music.)
"Of course, I can," I reply as Rachel smiles.
"Great," Rachel says before leaving us to get sorted.


"And now we have Sofia Greene singing a live acoustic version of her new song Focus." The radio presenter says as I hear the music start playing.

"I know what I came to do and that ain't gonna change..." I start before seeing Nathan smile at me, calming down my nerves.

Once we finished, Nathan and I went out to lunch at McDonald's before heading to the studio so Nathan can work on his next song. I sat just outside the recording room, scrolling through my social media, answering a few fans while waiting for Nathan to take a break.

"Hey." I hear him say as I look up and smile.
"Hey. You taking a break?" I asked as Nathan shook his head.
"No. We're done for the day." He replies as I smile.
"And it's only 2 in the afternoon," I say as Nathan smiles.
"Yeah, you seem to be forgetting that we have our scan at 3.30." Nathan says as it clicks.
"Oh yeah. Sorry. Baby brain." I say as Nathan laughs.
"Let's go." He says as we walk to the car.


We got to the hospital at 3.15 and signed in before waiting for our names to be called. We walked into the room before starting the scan.

"And there is your baby. They're big now." The nurse says as I take Nathan's hand.
"Do you know the gender?" I ask the nurse as she looks into it.
"Do you want to know?" She asks as I shake my head.
"Can you write it down and put it in an envelope? We don't want to know until we do the gender reveal." I say as she nods and writes it down, handing me the envelope, "Thank you." I say before she finishes the scan and lets us go.

Nathan and I make it home before deciding on the gender reveal at 7 months which is gonna be fun.

I hope I'm having a girl.

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