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By Friday night I was a nervous wreck. Ms. Peterson assured me that I was ready to go, and I felt confident...in the studio, but it's a whole different story when you're surrounded by a bunch of little girls, and their siblings, and their parents, and their parent's friends. I had been to my share of kids parties when I was a kid. It's chaos, at best! And what if I am identified? I would be the laughing stock! I slept restlessly, the myriad of Snow White songs buzzing around in my head. Fortunately for this one, I will only need to lip sync, but I'll still need to engage with the girls and others and will need to convince everyone that I'm not a boy!

Saturday morning I was up early. I made sure everything was ready the night before, washed the panties and pantyhose by hand and hung them to dry, as I had been doing every night to avoid Ms. Peterson's wrath. I had my caboodle all organized and was ready to go. The party was at 11 AM. I had to arrive around 11:15, but had to be at Ms. Peterson's by 9 AM to go over last minute details, put on the dress, pantyhose, wig, and heels, and to make any corrections to my makeup.

The whole thing was expected to be pretty easy really. Just flutter around like a butterfly floating on clouds, keep smiling, and giggle. I was a nervous wreck none the less. When I was all ready to go, Ms. Peterson put a red bow in my wig. She commented as in the first dress rehearsal, "This would be so much easier with your real hair." Then said definitively, "You will not be getting it cut any time soon."

When we walked to the car from her house, I didn't feel the least bit self-conscious, strangely. I knew I looked convincingly feminine and even though I was glammed up like a princess, I felt more comfortable than walking outside with the makeup on and my own clothes. At least this way there was no confusion to anyone who would see me. I still did a scan to make sure Scott and Ricardo weren't around.

After a short drive through the suburban maze, we pulled up to the rather large estate in Ms. Peterson's SUV. The mother of the little girl greeted us in the driveway. "Oh how lovely you are." She said. "The girls are going to go crazy when they see you! A few Prince Charmings may also drop their jaws when they see you." The mother added with a wink. All I could do to not give myself away was to smile a shy smile.

"Oh that reminds me!" Ms. Peterson said, then reached into her purse and pfft pfft pfft she gave me a very generous spritzing of perfume and then quipped to the mother, "Now she can add a few more Prince Charmings to that list"

UGH. This is going to be a long day.

The mother brought us around to the side of the house and showed us to a private space inside to put my caboodle and a bag of incidentals which contained two extra pair of pantyhose, a hairbrush, and a bottle of water. Ms. Peterson reiterated through the last two weeks that as a princess I must remain perfectly flawless the entire time. That means, no messed hair or makeup. No food in my teeth, no chewing gum, no using un-princess-like language, and certainly no runs in my hosiery.

When everyone was ready, I was led out to the backyard garden where a dozen little girls prettied up in their own princess dresses, tiara's, wands, glittery shoes, and bows, all started jumping and screaming with glee. They ran toward me, just to touch me and run their fingers through my dress. I smiled and waved and acted cute with them. I was introduced to the birthday girl, who was given a number of songs to pick from for us to dance and sing together. We skipped about on the patio, while parents and siblings probably 30 in all, were all watching, photographing, videoing. Permanently documenting me as a princess and undoubtedly posting the show on every social media platform for the world to see! Fortunately, I didn't know anybody at the party and I didn't see any siblings my age who might see through my fraud.

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