11. Mr. RYAN

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The next day as Ms. Peterson was filling up my weekly voice and composure vitamins, I asked that she take me to the mall to meet Mr. Ryan. "Wait, so he isn't taking you, Cheri?" Ms. Peterson responded.

"No Ma'am. I'm sorry. I guess I didn't think about that. Would you be able to take me?"

"Ugh. I can take you, but I'm not waiting around for you, and I'm not going back to the mall to get you home. You're on your own there! This should teach you a lesson about relying on me, taking me for granted." She said, peeved at me.

"I'm really sorry Ms. Peterson. It all happened so fast. Should I ask Mr. Ryan and see if he can pick me up?"

"No. That will just put him in an awkward position. I will take you this time, but in the future, you cannot rely on me to take you to meet your dates. You need to develop a network of people who can shuttle you around, but you'll need to make it worth their while. You're not the kind of girl who people do favors for without getting something in return!"

Girl? Ugh! "Yes. Ms. Peterson. Thank you. I'm sorry again."

"It's ok Cheri." She said with only a hint of compassion. "We'll have to go around 5 though, so you just have to spend some time in the mall, shopping."

"Yes Ma'am. That will be fine." I responded, reluctant to show my excitement for the extra shopping time.

Ms. Peterson finished filling the pills, then asked with a humored smile, "So, no hallucinations, lapses in memories or anything with these pills, Cheri?"

I responded jokingly, "No. I'm fine. The three-headed racoon that comes to my window at night and sings Kesha songs to me, tells me that I have nothing to worry about. "

I could tell Ms. Peterson liked this and took it as me becoming more accepting and comfortable with my role. She simply replied. "Cute Cheri. Now get out of here and get ready for your date."

Date?! Ugh.

I determined that Mr. Ryan was the more conservative type, and that the outfit I wore for the boys would probably work, but I still had new outfits to try out and quite honestly, any reminder of that night made me feel a little sick to my stomach.

I put on nude satin panties, and nude pantyhose, a light pink bra, a pink satin camisole under a sheer top, both cropped to show off my new pink heart belly charm, a white lycra skirt, light pink four-inch peep toe heels, and my silver purse. Of course I wore the jewelry from Mr. Ryan. I thought he'd like to see it on me again.

On the way to the Mall, there was a ding in my purse. A text came through that read:

Hi Cheri, this is Cheyenne from Phone Depot. We got a bunch of fabulous new cases and pop sockets in if you want to come by and check them out!

I relayed the text to Ms. Peterson.

"Cheyenne?" She inquired. "I hadn't gotten her name when we were there. You're going to stop in and see her, right?"

"Of course, Ms. Peterson. She was really sweet."

"Yes, she was." Ms. Peterson said in a suggestive tone.

Ms. Peterson dropped me off at the mall and looking at me agreed that although the outfit I had on is a bit more conservative than I should normally be wearing, that Mr. Ryan would probably like it. She then suggested I push the limit a little with him by modeling some less conservative outfits, and that he would probably appreciate that.

I had almost two hours to kill, and although I was easily able to fill that time shopping at the multitude of clothing stores, I would first go into the Phone Depot to look for Cheyenne.

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