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On the day the doctor cleared me, I begged Ms. Peterson to take me to the hair and nail salon for some touch ups. My hair had grown down well below my shoulders now, and the roots were starting to show a bit, revealing the darker blonde hair. The hair stylist lightened my hair another couple shades, to a white-blonde, but then colored the roots a dark black. It was an awesome look, especially when I styled it and teased it up big!

My nails were then extended by just a tiny bit more, now measuring over an inch and a half, and painted hot pink, fading to silver glitter at the quick.

Once the doctor had cleared me, Ms. Peterson wasted no time in setting up events for me to hostess. She had several on hold, pending the rate of my recovery. I was very excited to display my new look, and even more excited that I had more to offer now. Ms. Peterson's other princess, Ashley, was back and hostessing the princess parties, and as much as I wanted to continue, I realized now that I had outgrown them, and that my look wasn't befitting a princess anymore. Ms. Peterson warned me of this previously, but I didn't really get it until now. Looking in the mirror, I had become way too sophisticated for bopping around with little girls.

Ms. Peterson was also very concerned about my previous life. She instructed that meeting boys at the mall and the park and through other boys was ok, but that it should be different with men. She cautioned against getting in cars or going to remote places alone with them, and to use good judgement. "This will be extraordinarily difficult Cheri, as your passion for pleasing has grown far beyond my wildest expectations. Don't get me wrong dear, this is a good thing, but it was a little, how shall we say, untamed, when you were just a girl. Now that you're a woman, we need to be a little more selective."

To be called a woman excited me. I LOVED it. And that she said it so naturally, made me feel warm inside. I was a little less excited about being told to tame my pleasing. It was the opposite of what I wanted to be doing right now. Ms. Peterson could read this in my face.

"Oh Cheri. Don't you worry dear, you will have just as many, if not even many more dates than you did before." She said consolingly. "In fact, as a starter, I told Mr. Ryan you had been asking about him, and passed your information on to him last week, but I told him to wait a bit, as you were still recovering."

My eyes lit up. This was a fantasy I had been having for what seemed like months now! I could finally be with Mr. Ryan, without sneaking around so much.

"I also have a few other men that I have been talking to who are interested in dating you. Men who have asked about you at the princess parties and such but concerned about your age. I'll reach out to them too."

I was getting jittery with excitement now.

"Also," she continued. "There is a party you will be hostessing at the end of the month. I'm sure that will open up some opportunities for you as well. And speaking of all these opportunities, how has your training been coming along dear?"

It's funny, as much as I was seeing Ms. Peterson lately, the focus of our conversations had been dedicated to my new breasts, and recovery. I had thought she would play a larger role in the "anal training", but I concluded that she had evidence enough to realize I was doing it just fine on my own. "Very well, Ms. Peterson." I replied. "I am now keeping the large plug in me most of the day, and working with the large dildo a few times every day. Cheyenne and Crystil have been super helpful, especially at the beginning when I was so sore. They prefer that I wear the medium plug though with the app, so they can stimulate me whenever they want!"

We had just arrived back from the salon and were sitting in her SUV in the driveway. 

"Oh? You mean they downloaded the app on their phones? Brilliant!" She exclaimed. "Oh, but Cheri," Ms. Peterson continued, while scrolling the screen on her phone. "If you're graduated to a large, and you're using the medium just for the app, then we'll have to upgrade that plug! I really wish you had said something to me, dear. This is just unacceptable." Ms. Peterson was visibly upset about this. I didn't know what to say, except an apology, after which she waived it off as being too much to focus on during my recovery and taking partial responsibility for not having been more involved in the training.

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