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After spending most of the cash I had leftover, I strutted confidently over to the Phone Depot. Cheyenne was there, but busy with a customer, so I got her attention with a cute wave, went to the phone cases, and perused the selection. When she was done, she came up behind me and said, "OMG, I heard there was a fire in the mall, but I had no idea it was you! Girl, you are looking HOT tonight!"

I blushed, and spun on my heels, jokingly waving her off.

Cheyenne was about my age. She was about my height and very curvy. She was wearing a maroon lycra top to show off her large breasts, a tight-fitting black lycra skirt to show off her shapely hips and butt, and ballet flats. She had bottle blonde hair, with black roots showing prominently, a pale complexion, and winged her eyeliner for a subtle cat-eye look.

I didn't tell her about my "date", out of respect for Mr. Ryan's privacy. Another lesson from Ms. Peterson. Be discreet, but not secretive. Let your dates know that you date others, but don't give them any details on what goes on. You don't want what you do with others to impact the experience and pleasures of the person you're with at the moment.

Cheyenne and I talked about a bunch of things, as she quickly tended to and filed any incoming customers out of the store. The princess parties, dancing, the creep working there earlier tonight, what she does on weekends, my transition....wait...what????

I was mortified when she asked, "So, how's the m to f transition going?"

I turned beet red and just wanted to run..hide...die. But I was trapped. I had to play it off.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, non-chalantly. Dumb.

"Well, I can't even tell. In fact, I am still trying to see where there is a hint of boy in you. But the lady who came in with you the other night mentioned it at some point when you were over with the phone cases."

Cheyenne saw my color go flush, and continued, "Oh Cheri, don't worry girl. I LOVE it! I think it's awesome and sexy and you look fantastic. After you came in here last week, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Tonight, I couldn't stand it anymore, and totally violated company policy," She said whispering and looking around, not that anyone was around to hear, "and looked up your number. I had to get you back in here."

My mortification had now turned to intrigue, and I could feel my sexual charge re-emerging. She likes this! She's turned on by me! And then suddenly, like no urge before, I wanted nothing else but to give this girl pleasure.

"Are you into girls?" She asked unabashedly.

For the first time, without giving a moment's thought, I realized where I belonged. Without hesitation, I replied, "I am into giving pleasure. That's who I am. My existence is for the pleasure of others." And with that, a wave of sexual excitement and energy flushed through me.

Cheyenne was reading me well and said with a hint of shakiness in her tone, "Oh my fucking God. I am so fucking turned on right now, I'm going to wet myself. I'm closing this store, and you are going to pleasure me like nobody's fucking business."

"Mmmmmm. Please, Ma'am. I would Love nothing more right now."

She closed the gate of the store, it was closing time anyway, and holding my hand firmly in hers, led me swiftly out of the mall.

"Yowza. You girls have room for one more?" A young, stringy looking man said, biting his lip as we passed.

I smiled at him, inadvertently licking my lips.

Cheyenne shot back. "No way creep-o. She's all mine tonight!"

Cheyenne shuffled me to her car, a tiny Toyota Corolla, in the middle of the vast mall parking lot. She unlocked the car, opened the back door, and practically jumped in. "Get in here girl!" She commanded.

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