34 | Deals

20 1 2


First Impression:

It was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed reading the book and what really made me continue reading was the characters and their distinct personalities.


There were parts I would consider lacking, like the 4 year time skip. I think it would be better to end the 'flash back' or the 'past' chapters.

I dont know what to call it lol

to be more clear?? although Peyton does state it has been four years maybe having a more introduction-y approach for the character being four years older would work.

Maybe start with Peyton finishing college and celebrating, with them clearly stating they've graduated.

Dialogue wise some might say it's unnecessary for them to say it and context clues would do the job for them but I personally find it helpful when there are cues such as  college (which is usually a four year long experience) or perhaps a big change.

Like them finally getting an apartment and them celebrating the fact that after four years of hard work they're finally 'free'.

In other words, a sentence in the dialogue clarifying the time skip (if time cards aren't your thing) would've helped (just a reader opinion on this one.)

I am not sure whether the world is like actually reliant on deals or it's simply a metaphor of sorts for the rich and the nobility to make deals to succeed in life.

Either I like it, the concept doesn't need to explain itself in my opinion as it would be awesome if the reader has to think it is a metaphor or not. Makes it more interesting in a way.

I'd say the plot is unique, feels very YA and the characters itself help with that.

There were parts where the plot was wonky, like maybe Caleb and Marcel meeting, i think the meeting would've been more fun if it lasted longer and them sorta bonding/ acting like father and son

Just to kind of have wholesome character interactions cause those usually what makes a reader get attached on a book.

But the plot itself is interesting.

Peyton is an alright character, she  definitely gives main character. She's fierce and sarcastic and hot headed.

I usually pull away when characters like that appear, having spent years on wattpad I kinda grew tired of seeing these type of characters.

But because the side characters just work with Peyton and she doesn't shine too much and shadow over the other characters I can tolerate her.

Caleb has a more interesting story though in my opinion. I read more intently when his part of the story appears.

I guess the dynamic between his family and friends just feel less force and I can see the time they spent together and how close they are compared to Peyton's.

This could be intentional writing so yeah.

But besides that I like the characters and they really make the story more interesting.


It does a job well done, I never once nitpicked at a line while reading and the dialogue sounds less like a script, which some books fall victim to when the characters have to interact but the writer seems to struggle on how, and actually feels like a conversation.

The same with Dialogue the descriptions fit the style of writing in this book, because it's not a fantasy world in need of introduction of world building and cultures and etc etc, it doesn't need much detail on those.

It does the job, quick and concise as the focus is more on the characters and their interactions and it describes actions well that I can follow through with what the character is doing.


Blurbs can sometimes be forgotten. In my case, most of the time what was written in the blurb is barely similar to the actual story.

And usually I prefer blurbs that sort of connect with the first chapter?? or perhaps I immediately don't confused where I am when I start reading the book.

I'll use my childhood book series as example, School for good and evil.

The blurb starts about two best friends living in a town named Gavaldon, located in the middle of the woods. Where children read fairy tales with familiar faces as their hero's and villains

And every 4 years, 2 young children get snatched from their houses and into the never ending forest.

Then the story starts with the first friend preparing to go to her friend's house.

I am not sure how to explain it but from the blurb to the story, there is an instant familiarity, and instead of going "who is this" it's more of "oh she must be one of the friends from the synopsis/blurb"

I hope that made sense.


This book was a pleasant read and I certainly enjoyed it. Makes me happy I decided to continue this review book.

Definitely recommend for people here that is not the author as well!

I hope this review helped in some way and didn't come off as rude.

Alright that is enough blabber, farewell!

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