Periods and moods ( 13+ )

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WARNING: This chapter contains some swear words and an adult topic of menstruation in girls.

( In this scenario , Kaizo was in his room while Lahap was on main deck , driving the spaceship. Kaizo completed his previous mission of getting a powersphera from a space colony. )

The room was just tidy enough to show that Kaizo cared about his all stuff as all things are on it's place  and just messy enough to show that he hates making his bed . It was his room, perfect for how he was.

Right now , kaizo's searching details and information for his next mission also learning more about the power sphera he saved in his previous mission . He sat infront of his computer size bluescreen while typing silently , Until he felt someone's outside his door.

The door automatically slides open , showing there's no one . Kaizo glanced at the door as he narrowed his eyes. Suddenly , a pair of arms draped over his shoulder from behind.

Kaizo signed irritatedly , As Sanaya teased ," Hey-O , Daredevil !"

" Hi, crazy kitty ! Also , Can you remind me when and why I invited you in my spaceship and especially in my room ?"- Kaizo asks in sarcasm , signed annoyed while sliding her hands off of his shoulders and spinning around in his chair to face Sanaya.

"I noticed that you did not called nor messaged me this whole week but sure you have the right to decide whom you want in your room or whom not, but I am just curious what're you doing so I teleported myself here."

" Does lahap knows you're here ?"

" Yes !"

" Doesn't he told you I have a lot of important work on my agenda ?"

" Yes , I know you've got a lot of important work on your agenda, and I'd like to keep you company so that you can focus on what you've already got."- Sanaya said and booped him on nose." How about this ?"

" How about , NO ! " Kaizo groaned and yells angrily," Can't you play with someone else ? Like your brother , Boboiboy?"

" My brother is busy "

" So when Your brother is busy that's when you bothers me ?!"

Sanaya giggled slightly, and lay down on the couch near," Actually , I also come to visit you because.... I want you to help me with something."

Kaizo signed her to continue.

" I want you to help me with my mission reports. You know how MUCH I hate paper work."- She requested." And general Amato told me to submit this a day after tomorrow."

" Just do it yourself. I have more important work to do."

" Please.."

" No"

" Please...."- Sanaya asks sweetly.

" I said , NO !"

" Kaizo... Please.. I'm only asking you because I'm sick."- Sanaya requested as she glanced at him with sweet puppy eyes while making an adorable face.

"Huh...Y..You don't look sick."

" I'm sick... Please do help me with my mission reports. You're the only one I can ask for help."- She requested again as she makes even more adorable cute face and spark in her eyes.

" Huhh... Alright! I'll help but only this time ."- Kaizo signed defeated." Btw, What happened to you ? Do you have fever or headache ? You should visit a doctor."

" Huhh... Actually , I got cramps ..."- A faint blush appears on her face as she looked embraced. She mumbled as she took a pillow in her hands and clenched it." It's one of those days.."

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