Happy Halloween, But Not the Good Kind

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Note: Hey babes <3 

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and for voting. Y'all are truly amazing.

This chapter is a bit short, but I think you'll enjoy it. It was requested by a few different people who wanted to see Anna get her first period.

The pace is a bit odd compared to what I would usually go for, but that's just how it came out.

And after the chapter I posted yesterday, I think you could all use something more humorous. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Anna is thirteen.

Happy Halloween, But Not the Good Kind

"Happy Halloween," Anna said to herself in abject shock and horror. There was plenty of blood for the holiday celebration. But it was all in her underwear, and she was sitting on a dirty toilet in a public bathroom, so... celebration was kind of the wrong word.

She grabbed at the cheap two-ply toilet paper roll next to her and spun it until she had a big enough wad to hopefully absorb the blood coming out of her... her... her lady parts. Anna shivered. This was really, truly disgusting. She'd known it was going to happen eventually. Sam and Dean had told her the basics, and she'd done some research on her own so that she would know what to do when it happened. But she still felt lost.

But she needed to get some hygiene products, and in order to do that, she had to tell the boys what had just happened.

Anna pulled her pants up, washed her hands, and walked out of the bathroom with determination.

She walked up to Dean, who was standing at the gas pump. But the second he looked at her and said, "What's up, Rugrat?" Anna lost all her nerve.

"Nothing," she said quickly. "Nothing. Where's Sam?"

"He went inside for some coffee. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Anna said again. She started to back away from her brother with an awkward look on her face and was startled when he suddenly darted forward and grabbed her arm. But she understood when a car sped by behind her, driving too fast for a gas station parking lot.

"Watch where you're going, Anna. You're gonna get yourself hurt."

Mission totally and completely failed, Anna agreed sullenly and then went inside to find Sam.

"Hey," she muttered when she found him. "How's it goin'?"

"Oh, you know, about the same as it was five minutes ago when we were sitting in the car together."

Anna wished she could have said the same thing. Unfortunately, her life had changed forever in the last five minutes. She didn't tell him that, though. She just watched him put cream in his coffee. "Sam, before you check out... I kinda need something," she finally admitted when he picked up his coffee and looked toward the register.

"What's that?" Sam inquired and paused. "I thought you still had road snacks."

"I'm not... I'm not talking about gummy bears. I'm talking about something... personal." She wrinkled her nose in discomfort and bounced on the balls of her feet a couple times.

"Anna, you're being really cryptic, and we're kind of on a schedule here. So please just tell me what you need," Sam requested patiently.

Anna squirmed just a little bit more. "I started my period," she finally blurted.

Sam's eyes widened. A lot.

"Sorry," Anna squeaked. She hadn't meant to make him feel... whatever he was feeling that was making him look so... like that.

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