Playing at Normal

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Note: Here's some reading material to try out while you're social distancing. Not sure how many school related chapters there've been in this, but I feel like I write too many. Hey, it's what I know since high school has literally taken over my life. Anyway, I wanted to toss around the concept of normal since Sam always struggled with it and I have some ideas about Anna's perception of it. I was writing for fun and picking little scenes to write as a way of playing with normal and one of them got away from me. Thus, this story. 

Note II: Damn, this was forever ago. Over two years, to be exact. And apparently I posted this when quarantine first started, so that's a weird time capsule. Hey, Past Jacinta, this whole pandemic thing... it's gonna be a while.

Anyway, I extended the fight scene in this, changed the POV to third person, and did some editing to just... make it better, I guess?

Anna is fifteen.

Playing at Normal

Anna was craving oreos. Something sweet and crunchy with a delicious creamy filling to make the utter stupidity surrounding her fade into oblivion while she focused on the taste of chocolate. Maybe the serotonin would make her feel less like a zombie.

But alas, they didn't hand out Oreos in History class.

They didn't even hand out brains at birth anymore, apparently. That was the only possible explanation Anna could think of as to why her classmates would be stupid enough to actually try throwing a party when the teacher didn't show up to class on time.

It was high school in a nutshell, Anna thought to herself. Three people had already made that same old familiar claim, "We can leave if he doesn't show up in twenty minutes." And the same old familiar response, "That's college," had greeted the statement every single time.

Anna was ready to saw her own ears off.

Across the room, three boys were trying to start a party, playing terrible music from a pocket-sized bluetooth speaker while one of them talked about ordering a pizza.

A couple kids were laughing at their antics, but the other half of the class was eye-rolling. Anna pulled her phone out and tried to ignore all of it. She was too tired for this shit.

Alessia, the quietest girl on the planet, had her nose buried in a book beside Anna for the first ten minutes of waiting. But when, after another five minutes, more and more of the class trickled over to the corner and started singing along obnoxiously to whatever hip-hop song had caught their attention, Alessia stood up and started ordering them to be quiet. It was almost funny, seeing the quiet girl come out of her shell for the sole purpose of telling a bunch of idiots to shut up.

But Anna watched all the chaos with little patience. It was annoying, being trapped in the monotonous day-to-day world of American high school.

Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean were probably planning a way to stop the next apocalypse. But sitting there in that plastic chair, texting Kate-- whose class had already started, Anna knew, because Kate was making and sending memes of the kid sitting next to her, who just couldn't stop showing off his extensive knowledge of Shakespeare-- Anna couldn't help but wonder whether her brothers should really be bothering to keep the world from ending. This was the next generation: the future was absolutely and positively screwed.

"He's coming! He's coming!" Linus yelled from the doorway, as if their dumbass game of let's throw a two minute party while the teacher's not here had been a world-class conspiracy. A few people groaned about how five more minutes and we could've left. Everyone else hurried to their desks, and somebody shut the music off.

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