Leave Me, Déjà Vu

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Note: Hey to my favorite people <3

This one is super random. I literally wrote it in a couple hours one morning while rewatching season 10. So here, have an extra update again ;)

This story is tagged to 10.22 "The Prisoner" so SPOILER ALERT if you haven't seen that episode. It's heavily based on the events of that episode but I only used a little bit of dialogue that comes directly from the show. Whatever you recognize doesn't belong to me :)

Title comes from "listen before i go" by Billie.

Anna is sixteen

Leave Me, Déjà Vu

Before she ever stepped inside the bunker, Anna had the sense that something was off. She'd taken the bus home as Dean's text message ordered tersely. She'd tried calling Sam, but he'd only texted her with a brief promise to return her call when had time.

Things were heating up, and she knew it. The boys had been distracted and pissed at each other for almost a week now. Sam had stopped talking to Charlie but was still making secret calls to Cas. He would no longer keep her in the loop about whatever progress he was making on curing the Mark. Dean had spent an hour lecturing her one night recently, ensuring that she would stay as far from this problem as possible. Every time she'd tried to argue, he'd only doubled down.

They were being watchful, telling her over and over not to trust anybody she didn't know, not to give anyone her real name, etc. It was wearing on her, adding a thick level of anxiety to what was already there.

It was for that very reason that she chocked up her uneasiness to paranoia and stepped through the bunker door anyway. Her phone began to ring, but she was grabbed by the throat before she could even reach into her pocket.

Her backpack slid down to her elbow, and Anna brought both hands up to chop at the clavicle of whoever was holding her. But her arms weren't long enough, and she was so startled and terrified that her movements were sloppy.

"Well ain't you a pretty little thing," a blonde man with a funny accent cooed at her. He leaned in close and breathed in through his nose. Was he... smelling her?

Anna choked, gagging in her efforts to breathe, and he loosened his grip around her throat.

"Bet the old man will be pleased with you," Blondie said with a dirty smile. "What do you think, Sai?" He glanced over his shoulder at a short kid with darker hair and glasses. He looked like he was only about Anna's age. "Get a rope," he commanded. "I'm gonna show you how we take care of business out here in the real world."

Anna's eyes widened. The second they had her tied up, she would lose all advantage she had. "Who are you?" she rasped, and the man finally let go of her throat. She let her backpack fall the rest of the way off her arm to land with a dull thud on the floor. Beside them, the door was still open, and the man leaned against it to slam it shut. "What do you want with me?"

"You mean you haven't heard of us? We're the Stynes, Dolly. And we don't actually need you. See we're takin' care of your brother. But seein' as you walked right in... I figure we might just as well have a little fun and gain ourselves some leverage."

Anna would be damned if she was going to be made into a pawn in a game against her brothers. She swung her fist hard and managed to catch Styne so off guard that her punch actually landed. She knew her chances of getting the door open and getting outside were slim to none, so she raced down the bunker stares instead, hoping to find a weapon and find out if these guys were human or not.

She nearly ran into the kid at the bottom of the steps. He had a rope in his hands, but he didn't look mean. He didn't even try to grab for her when she ran past him. It didn't matter, though. There was a third man. Bigger and stronger than either of the other two. He grabbed her by the arms, brought one hand back, and hit her across the face.

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