Numbers One and Three

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Note: Longest shortest week of my life.

Thanks for all the votes, comments, and reads. I appreciate you all more than I can say. Life is ridiculously hard, and literally reading one nice comment can turn my day around. So thank you to everyone who's ever done that 💕

Also, I know a lot of you are waiting for me to write/post your requests right now. I promise you they're all coming. I'm going to be posting requested chapters every week for the next nine or ten updates so nobody has to wait any longer than necessary. Thanks for being patient. You're all amazing.

This chapter was a request by Haygrey88 who wanted to see Anna steal the Impala. I truly considered titling this chapter "Death Wish" for obvious reasons lol

Thanks for requesting! I had tons of fun with this, and I hope you enjoy it!

Anna is sixteen.

Numbers One and Three

"Please, Dean. Please, Dean. Please, Dean. Please, Dean. Please, Dean," Anna repeated, following Dean down the hallway and holding onto one of his arms with both hands.

"No, Anna. No, Anna. No, Anna. No, Anna. No, Anna."

"Come on, please. It's been, like, three weeks since the last time you took me driving, and I'm gonna crash into a tree during my driver's test if I don't practice again."

"We haven't even scheduled it yet," Dean told her reasonably as they entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, exactly. That's the other thing. I'm almost seventeen. Kate's had her license for a year."

"Oh, so you make your life choices based on what Kate does now?"

"I've been making my life choices based on what Kate does for three years. Don't pretend that's new."

Dean sighed and pulled a coffee mug out of the cupboard. He set it on the counter with a little more force than necessary. "Yeah, well, I don't organize my life around Kate's, and I already told you we couldn't go today."

"I know, but-"

"So why are you still arguing with me about it?"

That dangerous dad look was starting to come out in Dean's eyes, but Anna pushed on anyway. "Because it's been three weeks," she reminded him. "And you said before we even went for the first time that we would be consistent. Sporadically deciding to go driving when you feel like it and taking anywhere from twenty four hours to three weeks is not consistency. It's abuse of power."

Dean shot her a look that said he was anything but impressed. Anna felt like with every point she made, she was getting further from winning this argument. The biggest reason for that? Dean didn't like being challenged, and he didn't like being talked back to, and anytime Anna disagreed with him on anything, he always seemed to feel like she was doing both of those things.

But it wasn't about that for her. She just wanted to get her license so she could drive herself to school, get out of the bunker more when the boys weren't home-- not that she would mention that. Neither of her brothers would be thrilled at the prospect of her going out all the time when they were gone, so if anything that would probably be incentive for Dean to wait even longer to take her driving again.

"Come on, please," she begged.

Dean sighed heavily, looking anything but happy about this. "Alright, fine. We'll go this afternoon. But I don't want another word about it until then."

"Yes," Anna hissed and pumped her fists in the air. "Thank you!" she beamed and hugged him tight around the waist.

"Yeah, yeah," Dean grumbled, patting her on the back a couple times before pulling away to drink his coffee. As she hurried out of the room to go tell Kate, she heard him warning her, "The badgering ain't gonna work next time."

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