And It Starts To Come Together

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Note: Hey babes <3  Thank you, as always, for being absolute angels (but not the douche-y kind, the Cas kind).

It's been ages since I added an installment to the Glass Lives series. And this one is sort of a wrap up for that era. So here you are. 

Anna is fifteen.

And It Starts To Come Together

Dean wiped slick black grease off his palms with a formerly white rag and straightened. He looked down at his handiwork and smiled contentedly. There was nothing as relaxing to him as a morning spent under the hood of his Baby.

"Guess what."

His smile broadened at the sound of his sister's voice. "Hey, kiddo," he said as he turned around.

Anna wrinkled her nose and gave him a hint of a smile. She was finally starting to regain some of that youthful energy she'd had before her mother died. It was refreshing and so relieving to see her smiling easily again. "You're in a good mood," she observed. She held one arm out to him, and Dean grinned even bigger when he realized she was offering him a fresh cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Rugrat," he said and held an arm out invitingly.

Anna tucked herself against his side, and Dean gave her a one-armed hug before just letting his arm rest behind her shoulders. He felt good this morning, even with the stupid Mark burning on his arm. He felt like he was in control of his life, if only for today. He had his Baby and his baby sister. He had a hot cup of coffee, grease between his fingers, and the rubbery scent of the garage in his nose.

"So guess what," Anna said, looking up at him through a curtain of stray curls.

Dean raised his coffee cup toward his lips, inhaling the rich scent before he asked, "What?" and took a sip.

Anna bit her lip and looked over toward the Impala's open hood. "I'm officially caught up on my homework."

Dean's eyebrows popped up in surprise before he even had time to think about what she'd told him. He nodded at her, and the smile returned to his face. "Congratulations, Munchkin, you're free for the weekend."

"I know!" Anna said excitedly. "I even pulled a total Kate move and finished everything that's due on Monday last night. I wanted to be completely free. And I am!" She paused and made a face. "Until Monday night."

"Your grades comin' up?" Dean asked and took another sip of hot coffee. It was still just a little above drinking temperature, so it hit the back of his throat hard on the way down. But he kept drinking. The caffeine was worth the discomfort.

"Yeah, I'm actually a B student now. I mean, technically my math grade is still a C minus, but my teacher said he has a bunch of grades to put in still that'll bring it up to at least a B."

He had an answer behind his teeth when Sam suddenly slammed into the garage, phone in hand. "What?" Dean asked at the intrusion. His brother looked frazzled. "What?" he said again when no answer was forthcoming.

Sam looked at Anna with apprehension, and Dean understood. This was about Abaddon. It had to be.

"Anna, go to your room," he instructed. He removed his arm from around her and instead ruffled her hair once and gave her a gentle nudge. "Go," he said again when she just looked curiously between him and Sam.

"Okay," Anna murmured. He could see that she was winded at the sudden change of atmosphere.

As soon as their sister was out of earshot, Sam looked Dean dead in the eyes. "Crowley's got a beat on Abaddon. We need to move."

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