Navy's Dream and Alan's Gift

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Explosions. Gun shots. Shouting. That's all that Navy heard. All close. Too close. It was a war zone, and yet she did not retreat. She stood in front of a tiny building, one that was built to withstand a bomb or two. Navy fired her gun at the enemies that she spotted. She did not know who they were, nor could she see their faces, but she did her best to keep them held back. She did not know why keeping them away from this tiny building was so important but she did her very best to try and stop them from reaching it.

Bullets flew dangerously close to her, threatening to piece her flesh. To hurt, or even kill, her. But she did not flinch. She kept her focus on the enemies, on killing them off, the only way to keep them away. Navy quickly chucked a grenade at a cluster of her enemies approaching, taking most of them in the blast.

Another explosion went off, this time so close that some bits of the shrapnel flew off and cut into Navy's skin. The shrapnel was hot from the explosion and it burned her, but she hardly even gave more attention to it than simply wincing in pain. The shrapnel didn't dig deep, so at worst if it wasn't treated then it would get infected. Navy knew that she wouldn't be left untreated.

Suddenly another explosion went off, but this one flung her forward. She turned around to see the tiny building destroyed, an explosive having caused the destruction. Blood. Blood everywhere. But not hers.

In a single horrifying moment, Navy realized that it wasn't just blood. She saw what looked to be internal organs. 'Animal organs'. She told herself, but the idea of that was quickly swept away when she noticed something roll to a stop on the ground.

It was the decapitated head of a stick figure. A child stick figure.

Navy snapped awake, gasping in shock and horror. She was broken out in a cold sweat, shaking at the horror of her dream. A dream. Just a dream. Navy thought. She sighed heavily in relief. She wouldn't want to be the reason why a child...

She shook the thought away. She didn't want to think about that. Not now. Today was supposed to be a day to look forward to. Alan had agreed to make a website for stick figures. Whether it were to be stick figures that he created or stick figures that decided to go there. It was supposed to be a paradise. It was opening up today. None of them knew if Alan had any help making the website, but that didn't matter to them.

They were all grateful that Alan was giving them such a wonderful gift. The website was one where any builds could be drawn in a separate part of the site, one where the stick figures would have to leave their paradise to go to. This is where The Second Coming's drawing skill came into play. He helped to make the art of the paradise, to mold what it would look like.

Even better was a brand new gift that would be given along with this new paradise. Alan was going to make more stick figures. Navy couldn't have been happier about that, especially considering that she knew that Alan was giving them all of this to prove that he was trustworthy, as well as other animators. That not all animators were evil.

But the most shocking thing of all was that he had restored and old storage drive from an old computer and brought back something that no other stick figure ever even knew existed. A stick figure called Victim who looked identical to The Chosen One. None of them knew how he managed to restore the storage drive of the computer, let alone bring this stick figure back from the dead, but he somehow managed to do it.

Victim was scared of Alan at first, not knowing what to think of him. But once he saw all the other stick figures and heard of  what Alan was doing for them, and hearing from The Chosen One how Alan has changed, his perspective started to change. He still didn't completely trust Alan, but he wasn't completely terrified of him either. Especially not after meeting The Pure One.

When Victim met Pure then she was nicer to him than anyone else, even Pink. He liked her a lot, as a friend at least. When he first saw her display of power, she hadn't intended for him to see it, nor for everyone else to tell their story of the first time that they saw Pure's power.

From then on, Victim knew that if Alan ever dared to try anything to cause harm to any stick figure then Pure would very easily be able to stop him. Nobody could remember exactly what happened once they went to fight The Dark Lord, so they didn't tell Victim much about it. The only thing that they said was that they knew, at the very least, that The Dark Lord was dead.

Navy got to the drawing tab just in time as Alan typed that he was ready to start drawing the stick figures that would be joining them. As Alan went to start drawing he carefully selected his colors, choosing colors that would stand out. He started with two green stick figures, the first being a darker green while the other being a greenish blue color.

Alan waited to name them, wanting the other stick figures to tell him whether they were boys or girls. The dark green stick figure stretched out while the other stared around in wonder of the place around them. When they spoke they both had female voices. Both girls. Navy immediately jumped in and suggested that the darker green stick figure be called Olive. Meanwhile Blue suggested that the greenish blue stick figure be called Evergreen.

Alan gave them there names and they quickly moved on, learning a little bit about the two stick figures before moving on to make more stick figures. And that's just how things went for a while. A blueish purple colored female stick figure who they named Periwinkle. A grey-green colored female stick figure who they named Sage. A grey, almost black, colored male stick figure that they named Shadow. A female peach colored stick figure who they, unsurprisingly, named Peach. A brownish grey colored male stick figure that they named Ash. An orange-yellow colored female stick figure they named Amber. A yellow-white colored female stick figure they named Cream. A blueish grey colored male stick figure who they named Flint. An almost cyan colored female stick figure who they named Robin. And a dark orange colored male stick figure who they named Fox.

They all suggested that making stick figures comes to a stop for now. They would already have a field day giving all these stick figures a tour and introduction to everything, let alone getting them settled in, but they would do their best. They decided to split everyone up into groups. Each stick figure who had been here long enough to know their way around would take some of the new stick figures around with them.

At the overabundance of grey colored stick figures Navy was brought back to her dream. Almost every stick figure that she saw in her dream was grey. She shook the thought away, not wanting to think about that, not when she needed to show some stick figures around. She put on a smile and brought them along with her, starting a nice conversation with them.

The past was behind her now, especially since she had a heavy amount of amnesia about her past before this new life. And she wanted to keep it that way, out of fear as to what she might remember.

So I've decided that I will start a new one shot book, one that is specifically meant for the lore that I've just introduced. A website that's like a paradise, one that is somehow made to be even better than the one that we have seen in "The Showdown". Partially because they can travel between Alan's computer and that place that they will call home.

I should mention that I will let you guys have a say in how the story in this book goes. It will be kinda like the interactive book I tried to make in the past, except this time I will not be asking you guys to directly interact with the story, nor will it be necessary for you to interact with it. What I'm saying is that I'm going to let you all decide on what the ships will be in this book. I will hold a vote in the first chapter, you simply tell me what ships you want and whichever has the most votes I will do that one.

I will also include information about all of the new stick figures that we have. Their personality, maybe even an image of what color they are, if I can put enough pictures in to show them all. I should also mention that if any of you want to add your own OC, whether it be that you have me to make another one or to add one that you have already made, then I am willing to do that.

I should point out that I won't use every idea that's given to me, since that could lead to the book becoming a disaster, but I will use the ideas that will work best.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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