Camping Oneshot

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All eight stick figures got in the van that would take them to the camp site. "This is our first time going camping! This is gonna be so much fun!" Pink squeaked with excitement. The girls, as well as Brown, had never been camping before, which really a came as a surprise considering how much they all seemed to love the idea. They each had one backpack, a few of them had a duffel bag as well, while The Second Coming had a picnic basket full of the food that they would be eating. "I hope that there will be a lake or a pond." Navy said as the van started moving.

Red and Green quickly sat down and put their backpacks underneath their seats. "What's it like going camping? Is it all fun or is there anything annoying about it?" Brown asked. "Camping is all fun depending on if you like all of the activities that come with camping." The Second Coming answered. "And how long will it take to get there?" Brown asked. "It will take a while, but we can pass the time by just talking." Brown sighed and hoped that this camping trip would be as fun as the others made it out to be.


The van finally came to a stop just outside a place called Specky Woods. "We're here!" Blue said enthusiastically. They all grabbed their stuff and stepped out of the van. "So, now what?" Navy asked. "We go into the forest and find a fire pit that was set up for campers to use and pitch our tents around." Yellow responded. "Did we even bring a tent?" Pink asked. Blue and Green both held up their duffel bags. "Yeah, but we've only got two, so we have to share."

"You know I've heard spooky things about these woods." Red spoke up. Everyone turned to him. "What do you mean?" Blue asked. "I've heard that sometimes when some campers come into Specky Woods then either some or all of them never return." Chills ran down the spins of the girls, but the rest of them just shrugged off what Red said. "Save the scary stories for tonight, when we're around the camp fire." The Second Coming said.

As the van drove away they all walked into the woods,  looking for the fire pit. They had to go deeper than they anticipated. "There it is! Finally!" Green said. They walked toward the spot that Green pointed out, and the fire pit was right there. "Alright, let's get our tents set up." The Second Coming said as he put down the picnic basket and his backpack.

They each split into two groups of four and set up both tents, taking their time to make sure that they didn't mess it up. When they finally finished setting up the tents they all took a step back and looked both tents over for a moment. "There we go, perfect." The Second Coming said. "Oh, I forgot to mention, the rain around here is very acidic for some reason, so it burns your skin when it touches you. The driver of the van told me this as we got on and said that it's very important to know this." Second added.

They all stared at him for a moment. "You might have been lied to SC. Why would rain be acidic?" Red said. "Well we'll just have to wait until it rains and see about that." Second Coming said. "Let's just explore the woods before night fall." Blue said. "Ooooh! That sounds like a great idea!" Pink said enthusiastically. With that they all raced off to check out the rest of the woods.


Once the sun had set they were all back at the camp ground. Blue had gone back before everyone else and had started a fire. They all had eaten by now, sitting on log seats around the camp fire, and had decided to start telling scary stories. "Ok, I'll go first." Red spoke up. They all nodded and listened. "Out in this world is a spirit who loves to possess people and use them to hurt, and even kill, people. Especially people that try to help the one who has been possessed in the first place."

While Pink, Navy and Brown were listening intently, the others weren't listening as much, they all knew where Red got this one from. "This evil spirit could be anywhere at any time. Maybe... even... BEHIND YOU!!!" Red shouted. Brown didn't react but the girls whipped around to look behind them, there was nothing there.

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