The Pure One x Navy fluff

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Navy ran towards a rope that was hanging down and jumped, grabbing onto it, her feet on a knot that was it the end of the rope, so swinging her over the lake that was right near the rope. As soon as the rope swung over the water, she let go and let herself fall in with a splash. Navy swam to the surface and too a deep breath of air. Swimming could be a lot of fun when there was something to add to it, like the rope that she swung on into the water.

"Come on Pure! The waters fine!" Navy called out. The Pure One had come with her, having decided that she had nothing better to do than to hang out with Navy. Or maybe she really did just want to hang out with Navy and she could have done something better than this. Either way Pure soon followed Navy, swinging on the rope just like she had done and did a front flip in the air before she plunged into the cool blue water.

Pure's head broke the surface a second after and spun to shake the water off. "See? That was fun wasn't it?" Navy splashed Pure. Pure splashed Navy back. "Yeah it was. We should invite the others the next time that we come here." Pure suggested. Navy nodded in agreement. "I'm sure that the boys would love it here, maybe except for Brown. Pink would love it too."

Pure swam towards the shore. "Well, let's see how many times we can swing off of that rope before we have to stop." Pure called over her shoulder. Navy smiled and followed Pure to the shore. They both quickly ran up to see who could jump onto the rope first.

Pure managed to get to the rope first and swung out over the water, leaving a disappointed Navy behind. But Pure didn't jump off when she swung over the water, instead she let the rope swing her back towards Navy. Navy just watched as she thought that Pure was coming back to taunt her that she had gotten to the rope first. Instead Pure lowered one hand to much lower on the rope and let her upper body lower down and with her free hand she grabbed Navy's arm and pulled her up so that she wouldn't drag on the ground.

Navy yelled in surprise as Pure swung back over the water holding tightly to Navy's arm and then threw her out into the water. Navy plunged into the cool depths and in the short amount of time that it took for her head to break the surface, Pure had swung around on the rope again and had jumped off. Pure landed in the water right next to Navy, splashing her.

When she reached the surface she found that Navy was laughing. "I didn't think that you were gonna do that!" Navy laughed. Pure laughed as well. "Never leave a friend behind!" Pure piped up.

The two of them laughed as the tread water, finding that they were having more fun at the lake than they originally thought that they would. Navy splashed Pure, and Pure splashed her back. "I think I might have to agree with some of the boys when they said that we can be cute together." Navy said, as if she were thinking out loud.

Pure stopped laughing, she wasn't surprised to hear Navy say that, but she was surprised that some of the boys had said that they could be cute together. "The boys said that?" Pure asked. Navy nodded. "Just a few of them. Red, Green, and Blue." Navy answered.

It did make sense that Red would say something like that. He thought a lot of things were cute, Blue seemed like he was close to Navy, but not in way where they were interested in each other, more like close friends. But for Green to say something like that was a bit unusually.

"I thought that you had feelings for me Navy. I just didn't expect anyone to think they we should be together." Pure said. Navy chuckled at this. "And I always knew that you have powers, but that you hide them so that you don't seem superior to everyone else." Navy spoke up. Pure's eyes widened at that.

Was she bad at hiding her powers? No, she couldn't be, she almost never used them on a normal day. Maybe Navy saw her on a day where there had been an attack when she had to use her powers. "How long have you known about my powers?" Pure asked. Navy shrugged. "For a while, it's pretty obvious actually. Why would you be called "The Pure One" and not have any kinds of powers? I mean sure, The Second Coming doesn't have any powers, but he didn't really need any. Not to mention that you were created to fight off something in the first place. Why wouldn't you have powers?" Navy went off on a bit of a tangent to explain just how it was that she knew about Pure's powers.

"Well, does anybody else know?" Pure asked. Navy shook her head. "No, the only reason why I know is because I actually thought logically about you. The others don't seem to be thinking too much about you." Navy answered.

Pure sighed in relief. It wouldn't feel right if the others knew about her powers, since they likely would treat her very differently if they did. "Anyways, about how you mentioned that you agree with the boys who said that we can be cute together. I am very sure that you are saying that you love me, aren't you?" Pure questioned. Navy nodded. "Yeah, I was looking for a good moment to let it out that I like you, and I thought that this was the perfect moment."

Pure used her powers to make her float and picked Navy up bridal style. "Well it was a good time to let it out. Because I've been waiting for you to say that for a while now." Pure said. Navy looked up at Pure happily as Pure floated to the shore. "Why didn't you say anything then?" Navy asked as Pure put her down.

"I thought that it would be better for you to say something, so that you could have a bit of control." Pure answered as she let herself drop to her feet. Navy nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. After all, you do know how much I like to be in control." Navy pronounced.

Pure pulled Navy into a hug. "And I know how much you've wanted to say that you love me for a while now." Pure said. Navy laughed at this. "Well, let's get back home then. Then we can spend some time at home." Navy suggested.

"Sure. That sounds nice." Pure responded. "Let's go home."

*authors note*

Last call for those of you who want to decide whether the Red x Navy and Red x Blue ships are gonna be fluff, lime or smut!

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