The Pure One x Red fluff

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Pure walked over to Red's house, curious as to why Red has called her to come over. Red was one of the few people that she found hard to read when it comes to a certain emotion. She couldn't tell if he had feelings for someone or if he was just being nice, or just being cute for no reason other than that he didn't realize that he was being cute.

Pure walked over to the front door of Red's house, but right as she was about to knock a parrot flew in front of her. Squawking, it hovered in front of her, allowing her to get a good look at it. The parrot was blue with a yellow belly. It had some feathers sticking up on its head, a few of them being green instead of blue. The parrot flew closer and squawked at Pure again before flying away and turning back towards her, as if seeing if she was following it.

Curious, Pure followed the parrot, wondering what it was doing. The parrot flew around the corner of the house and stopped and waited for her, as if it really was making sure that she was following it. Pure followed it as it lead her towards the back of Red's house, which was fenced in. The parrot landed on a gate in the fencing and pecked at the door, and then looked up at Pure. Is this parrot trying to get me to open the gate? Pure thought.

That's when she started to notice the sounds on the other side of the gate. It sounded like there were some more animals over there. What exactly was this parrot up to? Still curious, Pure opened the gate to reveal a bunch of different animals, all being animals that you can find in Minecraft. There were a few dogs, some cats, a horse, two foxes, and another parrot.

The parrot on the gate mimicked the sound of a sheep and that's when Pure noticed Red, who turned towards the gate, where Pure was standing. "Pure! You're here!" Red said enthusiastically. "So what do you think?" He turned his body towards the animals in the yard, in a motion that meant that he was talking about the animals.

Pure couldn't help but smile. Red never really realized just how cute he could be. "It's amazing that you have this many animals. How do you even manage to take care of them all without any incidents?" Pure asked. Both of the parrots landed on either one of Red's shoulders, rubbing their heads against his. "The animals love me, and I love them. The only incidents are from when someone else causes something to happen. Whether or not they're mean to do it is usually pretty easy to tell." Red said as he pet each parrot in turn.

"What kind of incidents happen then?" Pure asked. Red held some seeds up to the parrots. "Well, for one example, while one of the dogs had turned away a guest accidentally stepped on their tail without realizing it and walked away before the dogs noticed that it was them. Unfortunately, one of the foxes was also behind the dog, so the fox had to run around the yard for a while before I stopped the dog." Red answered.

Pure nodded, easily able to imagine the scenario. For a fox that didn't really do anything wrong that would be kind of terrifying. Three rabbits hopped out into the open, their little noses twitching. Red bent down and held a a few carrots out to them. The rabbits hopped over and started eating the carrots. "Do you wanna feed one of them?" Red asked. "One of the animals or one of the rabbits or parrots specifically?" Pure asked. "One of the animals." Red answered.

Pure looked around the yard, her gaze resting on the horse. It was all white, just like her, and drinking some water out of a trough. "I think I would like to feed the horse." Pure responded. Red walked over to a wooden cabinet that was outside for some reason, which had Pure confused. Red opened it and took out a bag filled with some sugar cubes.

"Here, give this to the horse." Red said as he handed her a sugar cube. "Alright. Also why do you have a cabinet outside?" Pure asked. "Because it's easier to have it outside so that I can get the animals a treat faster." Red responded. Pure smiled once again. That sounded just like Red to do something like that. He sure was a big softy.

"When you give the sugar cube to the horse then you hold your hand out flat. Otherwise the horse might accidentally bite you." Red said. Pure nodded and walked over to the horse, careful to make sure that she wouldn't accidentally step on another animal.

Red walked over and pet the horse's neck, making it look up at him. Pure stepped forward and held out the sugar cube, holding her hand out flat. The horse bent over and gently took the sugar cube out of her hand with its lips. Pure was absolutely fascinated by that.

"Pretty cool isn't it? The way that a horse takes some food out of your hand." Red said as if he had read her mind. Pure turned to Red. "Yeah it is. I didn't realize just how fascinating an animal could be." Pure responded. Red pet the horse's nose as he listened to Pure.

"Animals really do love you don't they?" Pure giggled as she watched Red. Red nodded in response. "They do, and I love them." At that moment every animal in the yard ran over to Red and started to either jump up on him or rub against him. Red laughed at the attention before he fell over, both parrots flying off of his shoulders, giggling like a little kid.

Pure laughed at this and got down on one knee to help him sit up. "You really do love animals." Pure said with a smile. "Not as much as I love you." Red said. Pure's expression changed to that of surprise, and so did Red's. "D-did I say that out loud?" Red asked.

"Yes you did." Pure answered. The animals now started to also climb on Pure, with a lama now coming out from behind a tree in the yard and joining the fray. Pure sat down beside Red so that she wouldn't fall over. A part of Pure's heart soared at hearing Red say that he loved her.

"It's ok Red. Because I think I love you too." Pure said, a soft smile on her face. Red looked Pure in the eyes, a bright look filled his gaze. He was clearly very happy now. "Really?" He asked. Pure nodded. "Your too cute not to love." Pure said, pulling Red into a hug.

All of the animals were all over them, surrounding them, the smaller one's climbing on them. One of the cats head rested it's head on Pure's shoulder. "It looks like the animals love you too, Pure." Red said as he glanced around at the animals. Pure couldn't help but smile. It almost felt like the other animals approves of them or liked seeing them together.

Pure pet a fox that was trying to get into her lap. "The animals are cute, but they are nowhere near as cute as you, Red." Pure said. Red smiled and snuggled closer to Pure, the two of them happily cuddling each other as well as all of the animals around them.

*authors note*

Here you go LotusNicola. You wanted this to be fluff with lots of cute animals and you got lots of fluff with cute animals. If you want any of the others that haven't been done yet to be specifically fluff, lime, or smut then you, as well as the rest of you readers, still have the chance to ask for those ships fluff, lime, or smut.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one shot!

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