Green x drunk Blue lime to smut

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Blue staggered towards the exit of the bar. He was sick of dealing with everyone at the bar. The were all just a bunch of assholes. Except for those who were serving the drinks, they were cool, but Blue didn't want to deal with any more of the assholes in the bar.

Green had watched Blue wall in the bar and had been wait outside the bar for the past hour waiting for Blue to come back out, knowing that something could easily go wrong. Blue isn't exactly an alcoholic, since he only ever let's himself tough any alcohol after his body has had time to recover from the last time that he got drunk.

Blue immediately notice Green and staggered over to him. "Heeeyyy Green! What'sss up?" Blue asked. Green shook his head at Blue. "Blue, again? When are you gonna stop with this?" Green asked. "What do ya mean?" Blue asked, his voice sounding kinda strange. "Drinking." Green responded.

Blue just walked closer to Green and wrapped one arm around Green's neck. "Never gonna happen Green." Blue answered. "Why don't we go to your place~." Blue suggested. Green wanted to see now where Blue was going with this, so he nodded.

"Sure, you can come back home with me." Green said. Blue smirked at Green as he was lead in the direction of Green's house. Blue has seen Green's house several times by now, so he was never really too impressed anymore by it.

Green unlocked the door to his house and lead Blue in, walking towards the living room. "You can either sleep on the couch, in a guest bedroom, or sleep on and air mattress in my room." Green said. A mischievous smirk formed on Blue's face. "Air mattress in your room." Blue responded.

Green nodded and lead Blue into his room. He opened the door and brought Blue into the room. "Stay here Blue, I'll be right back." Green said before he walked back out of his room and shut the door.

Green walked towards a closet in the hallway and pulled out the air mattress that he kept there as well as the pump, although something told him that he might not need them. Green walked back into his room and shut the door behind him before putting down the folded up air mattress and the pump.

"Alright, let me pump up air mattress and then I'll get some blankets and a pillow out for you." Green said. Blue was starting to lose patience. He didn't really want to sleep on the air mattress, but it was the only option that would allow him to be in Green's room.

In the short amount of time that it took for Green to plug in the pump and unfold the air mattress Blue completely lost his patience and grabbed Green by the arm and turned him around so that he was facing Blue. "Blue? What are you doing?" Green ask.

Blue didn't respond. He just sat in got down on one knee and kissed Green. Green wasn't very surprised that Blue was kissing him. He had had a feeling that Blue felt this way towards him, but he never decided to find out if he was right.

It only took a second for Green to start kissing back, moving to a sitting position and pulling Blue into his lap. Green pinched Blue's thigh, making Blue gasp, and he immediately began to explore Blue's mouth. After a a few moments Blue broke the kiss, taking a few deep breaths.

Green smirked at Blue. Blue may not remember what was gonna happen tonight, but Green sure would, and at this point he didn't care if Blue didn't remember, he just wanted this night to go his way.

Green quickly pinned Blue down on the floor and started to kiss his neck. Blue's breath hitched and he started sloppily running his hands up and down Green's sides. Obviously, if Blue weren't drunk then his hand motions wouldn't be so sloppy.

Green started to suck on Blue's neck, making sure that he would leave a hickey. Blue was starting to squirm a bit, wanting more. Green bit Blue's neck, but not hard enough to make him bleed. Blue gasped and squirmed even more, but Green kept him pinned down.

"Greeeeeeeen, pleeeeease!" Blue whined. It was quite clear what Blue wanted, and Green just smirked at Blue. "Impatient now are we~?" Green teased. Blue just kept squirming, the look of lust in his eyes. Green decided that Blue would just have to wait until he was finished with the foreplay before he could get what he clearly wanted.

Green began to move down Blue's body, leaving hickey's and two or three bite marks. Blue kept trying to grab Green, seeming to not be able to figure out how to get Green to just get to the real fun. Finally, Green got off of Blue and picked him up bridal style and then dropped him into his bed.

"You wanted this, and now you've got it~." Green said lustfully. Green then started to rub Blue's nether region, making him pant and quietly moan. Blue tried to reach his hand down to do the same to Green, but he was too drunk to coordinate his hand movement to touch the spot.

Green just focused on getting Blue turned on, since the sound of Blue's quiet moans and the state that Blue was in was enough to start turning him on. It wasn't long before both Blue and Green had an erection.

Green stopped rubbing Blue and just slowly inserted himself inside of Blue. A small smirk formed on Green's face and he dug his nails into Blue's inner thigh. Instead of saying ow or flinching Blue let out a moan. Green's expression changed to surprise for a moment before an even bigger smirk formed on his face.

"Looks like you have a pain kink~." Green said. Blue didn't respond, he just slightly squirmed, wanting Green to just hurry up. "Well if you have a pain kink then you might like it when I do this~!" Green said as he thrusted into Blue as hard and fast as could just once to see Blue's reaction.

Blue let out a loud moan from the pleasure, loving the pain. As soon as Green heard the moan and saw the look on Blue's face he started thrusting into Blue once again, just as hard and fast as before. "Ahh~! Fuck~! Green~!" Blue moaned.

Blue would have tried to move a bit, grab onto Green, grip the bedsheets, maybe even kiss Green, but he was still drunk and now distracted by the pleasure to even remember how to move anymore.

Green would have slowed down so that he wouldn't completely tear up Blue, but he was too lost in the pleasure to slow down now. "Fuck, Blue~. I never wanna, ah~, do this with someone who, hah~, doesn't have a pain kink ever~." Green managed to say through his own moans.

Blue didn't even respond, he was moaning too much to respond. Green turned Blue into his side and put one of Blue's legs over his shoulder, trying to thrust into Blue even harder and faster than before.

At this point Blue was bleeding, but he didn't want to stop, and neither did Green. Blue was starting to get a strange feeling in his gut, and at the same moment, Green was too. Green thrusted into Blue a few more times before Blue moaned a lot louder than before and came.

Green quickly thrusted into Blue a few more times before he came inside Blue, moaning loudly as he did so. The two of them stayed that way for a few minutes, waiting until their orgasms ended before either moved.

After a few minutes their orgasms were over, and although he tried, Blue couldn't move. Green laid down next to Blue and pulled the blankets over the both of them.

They were both too tired to do anything else. Green pulled Blue close to him and in just a few seconds the two of them had fallen asleep.

*authors note*

This took WAY too long to finish. It's finally out and, just like I promised, it came out before this week ended. Now I can work on something else. Also I won't be doing any more drunk Blue requests because those were the most difficult one shots to write about.

On another note, I am going to be working on that book where I said that if I'm not getting any requests then I will work on that book, as well as that I will be working on "The New Stick Figures".

Also, I might put in a spoiler for a future event of my other book "The New Stick Figures" if enough of you want to see a spoiler.

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