Ladies and gentlemen

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I present to you the Foot Slasher 9000, the evil thing that I have fallen victim to once. This thing is even worse than any Toe Smasher device that you could ever find. That's because while the Toe Smasher devices leave temporary pain unless you were either running when you fell victim to a Toe Smash device or if you already have had issues with your toes or toe nails, the Foot Slasher 9000 is a device that will leave something permanent.

The pain could be temporary, but what's left behind is not. I fell victim when I walking, WALKING, past and I fell victim to it. It's been months since that happened and the pain was bad, but what's left behind is worse. Although there was no hospital trip if you look closely you can see that the Foot Smasher 9000 made it's mark on me forever. Not in a memory, but in a literal mark.

If you look very closely at my right ankle then you will see a scar that the Foot Smasher 9000 left behind from when I had fallen victim to it. That's why there is bubble wrap on it, so that I won't fall victim to it again. My bed, which is what the Foot Slasher 9000 is connected to, was moved so that it's next to impossible to fall victim to it again.

But be warned, it is still possible. It is out to get you, it wants to leave its mark on you, and it will do it, no matter the cost, no matter if it gets thrown out, it will make it's mark. It already made it's mark on me, and anyone who comes into my room is in danger or falling victim to it as well.

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