The Second Coming x Green fluff

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The Second Coming yawned as he worked on an animation that he was making. It was getting pretty late, and for the past few weeks he had been burying himself in his work. Sure, he loved animating, but to do around the clock like this wasn't mentally healthy. But he did it anyways, even though it was completely unnecessary.

The reason why is because Green had been sleeping at his house because his house had been under construction, due to damages done to the house. How the house was damaged The Second Coming didn't know, but he was the only one who had let Green stay over until the repairs were made. But it wasn't that Second Coming didn't like Green, it was just that he had started to like Green, more than as just a friend.

Every time he got close to Green he felt his heart race and his cheeks grow hot with blush. He didn't want Green to find out how he feels, out of fear that Green wouldn't like him back, so he just buried himself in his work whenever Green was home and awake. The problem is that Green sleeps in and stays up late. So The Second Coming was overworking himself and staying up late, which was not a very good combination.

The Second Coming glanced at the clock. It was 9:45 pm, it would be another 45 minutes before Green started to consider going to bed. Yawning again he turned back to his drawing tablet and computer and kept on drawing. He was struggling to stay awake at this point, his head nodding and his eyelids starting to close. He tried his best to stay awake, but the harder he tried, the more sleepy he felt. Soon enough he fell asleep at his desk.


Green put down the remote and yawned out of boredom. There weren't any good shows on and he couldn't think of anything else to do. He didn't want to go to bed yet because he wasn't really feeling tired. He might be able to find something to do if The Second Coming weren't working so much. Actually, he didn't work as much as he does now until Green became a guest at his house.

Why is he even working so much? He usually jumps at the chance to hang out with a friend. A friend. Green thought. He wished that he and The Second Coming weren't just friends. He was actually looking for a chance to tell Second how he feels, and being a guest at Second's house seemed like it would give him plenty of opportunities. But instead of opportunities he seemed to be farther away than before from getting his chance.

If The Second Coming weren't working so much then maybe he would have had the perfect opportunity by now. He sighed and shook his head to shake away those thoughts. He got up and walked to Second Coming's office, where he was currently working on either a drawing or animation. Maybe Second Coming had some movies that he could watch.

Green knocked on the door, but he got no answer. He knocked louder, still no answer, was Second ignoring him, or was he too focused on his work to notice the knocking. Green opened the door and walked in, only to find Second Coming leaned over on his desk, his cheek pressed up against his drawing tablet, and the special pen that was used for the tablet in his right hand, fast asleep.

He's going to end up waking up with his back hurting. Green thought as he walked right up next to Second. Second's soft snores were the only sound in the room. He looked so peaceful. Green glanced at the door to the office, a thought popping into his head. Carefully, he took the pen out of The Second Coming's hand and placed it on the desk. Then he carefully picked Second up bridal style and carried him out of the room, opening the door to the office a bit wider with his foot.

He walked towards Second's bedroom and awkwardly, opened the door. As he walked into the bedroom, Second started to stir, and right when Green was about to put him in his bed he woke up.


Second Coming snapped his gaze up to Green when he realized what was going on, his eyes wide and his face growing hot with blush. "G-Green, what are you doing?" Second stuttered. Green looked down at Second, a light blush covering his face and put Second down on his bed. "Sorry, I was just bringing you to your bed. You fell asleep at your desk and it wouldn't have been too nice to wake up with a sore back." Green said, rubbing the back of his head.

SC sat up and turned his head away from Green. SC couldn't make eye contact with him, he was too overwhelmed by his emotions to look at Green. "Hey SC? I think this might be a good time to tell you something. Something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while now." Second Coming forced himself to look at Green, worried about what he would say.

"SC, I like you... more than just as a friend... and I was hoping that you felt the same wa-" Green couldn't even finish his sentence as Second Coming grabbed Green and pulled him into a hug, more happy than words could say to hear Green say that he liked him. "Umm... does this mean that you do feel the same way?" Green asked.

Second Coming just nodded. A huge smile formed on Green's face as he hugged Second Coming back. The two of them stayed that way for a few moments before they finally let go of each other. The Second Coming laid down in his bed and arched his back so that he could pull the covers out from under him and then pull them back over him.

"It's getting pretty late. Do you wanna sleep in bed with me tonight?" Second asked Green. "Sure, it's better than sleeping on the couch. And I get to stay with you." Green replied. Second Coming scotched over to the other side of the bed so that both of them could sleep without having to worry about falling off the bed. Green climbed in and laid down and Second Coming pulled the covers over the both of them.

Green pulled Second into his arms. "Goodnight SC." Green whispered. "Goodnight Green." The Second Coming whispered back as he wrapped his arms around Green. The two of them closed their eyes to sleep, and soon enough they fell asleep in each other's arms.

*authors note*

Here you go GoodNameHere. Here's your Second x Green fluff.

Also to everyone, I have put the rules as a way to fight writers block. I don't mind coming up with something myself as well as looking into the way that you seem to like these ships when put in your own writing, but I just wanted you to know why there are rules. Remember that I did say that I don't mind coming up with something myself, but I have a method to the madness of writers block.

I hope that you've enjoyed the content so far! And thank you for coming to my one shot book!

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