Green x Pink lime to smut

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Green sat and watched as Pink played with a few dogs, playing a classic game of chase with them. She looked so happy as she chased one dog while another chased after her. They weren't even her dogs, they were Red's, she was just playing with them while Red was getting something from a store that didn't allow pets.

Pink eventually let herself fall onto her back and let the four dogs that she had been playing with run over and pick her face, making her laugh and squeal in delight. Green smirked at this, Pink was just so cute, and hot. He wanted so badly to get a moment alone with her, but odds are that when Red got back then he might invite Pink over to his house to play with some more of his animals.

That was very disappointing to Green, although he wouldn't show it. Pink didn't really have any feelings for anybody, but she could easily fall in love with someone if they talked or acted the right way around her. It would actually be a lot easier to have Pink to fall in love with anyone than it was for most people to fall in love with someone. She could end up falling in love with one person in one moment, and the next fall in love with someone else. But Pink always gets nervous whenever she started to have those feelings for someone, and normally those feelings would be gone by the next day, so Pink never really thought to much about it.

A loud whistling sound filled the air and all four of the dogs ran towards the whistling sound. Red was back, and he had a few bags with him now. "Thanks for watching the dogs for me Pink." Red said. Pink got up off the ground. "Your welcome Red." Pink replied. Green waited for when Red would invite Pink over, still feeling disappointed even though Red hadn't invited her over yet.

"I've gotta go back home now. I'll see you later Pink." Red said. "See you later Red." Pink replied. Red walked away with his dogs following him. A huge smile formed on Green's face. Now if Red hadn't invited Pink over then that meant that he could do it. Now's his chance!

"Hey Pink!" Green called. Pink turned towards Green. "Oh hi Green!" Pink said. Green walked up to Pink. "Do you wanna come hang out at my house?" Green asked. Pink nodded. "Sure! Sounds like fun!" Pink responded. Green did his best not to let a huge smile form on his face again and turned towards the direction of his house.

"Alright, come with me." Green said, beginning to walk in the direction of his house as soon as he was done talking. Pink followed close behind him, eager to hang out with one of her friends. The two of them chatted with each other as they walked to Green's house, and soon they arrived. "We're here." Green announced.

Pink's jaw dropped at the sight of Green's house. "Wow! It's so big and so beautiful!" Pink said. Green chuckled. "Thanks, I made it myself." Pink stared at him in absolute shock. "No way! You built this? That's amazing!" Pink piped up. Green walked towards the front door and took out his key and unlocked it. "Plenty have said that it's even better on the inside." Green said as he opened the door.

They both walked in, Pink staring around at the interior of the house in absolute awe. Soon enough they got to the living room, which was just as beautiful as the rest of the house. Green sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him for Pink to sit down at. Pink walked over and sat next to Green, still staring around the living room.

"There will be plenty of time to look around the house later Pink. For now it's time for some fun." Green said. Pink gave him a curious look, as though she wasn't sure what he meant. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. Green now let that smirk form on his face, deciding that now that they were alone, it was the perfect time to stop hiding how he felt about her.

"Oh, you know what I mean Pink." Green said as he began to lean over Pink a bit. Pink really wasn't sure what in the internet Green was talking about. She leaned away from Green a bit as he leaned towards her. "No, I don't know what you mean Green." Pink said.

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