The Party

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You walked up to the building that was on the site of the address to the party. You open the door to find a small room and a wolf waiting near the door at a podium just past the door. Just by looking at the wolf you can tell that it's not the host, Cassie, because this wolf has no pink, a boy, and has some gray fur. "Welcome! I hope that you have a wonderful time!" He said cheerfully. There were two doorways to the left and right of the room and one directly in front of you, the wolf at the podium gestured to the door in front of you, that was where the party was.

You walk into the room and find that it is MUCH bigger than the previous room. There are nice decorations all over the room. To the left is a table with a large chocolate fountain on it with a few strawberries and other foods there to dip into the chocolate fountain. Near the chocolate fountain were several tables with a few chairs surrounding each table, a place for plenty of people to sit. A few menus were at each table, the same amount of menus on a table as there were chairs at that table.

There was a set of double doors near those tables that looked like it leads into a kitchen. There was a circular window on each of the door, allowing you to see that there were lights on in that room. One of the doors opened and someone popped their head out to look around. They looked like a chef, making you even more sure that those doors lead to a kitchen. They quickly went back into the room.

To the right was a bar, although it clearly was not in use, having nothing set out and nobody there to pass out drinks, nor were there any drinks to take in the first place, although there was a refrigerator with a lock on it behind the counter. In the middle was a DJ booth with someone standing at it, ready to start playing some songs.

(If your late to the party and a few people have already started doing stuff, such as dance to the music, get some food, or something else then the music has already started and I, Cassie, do not come up and greet you, unless you are LotusNicolas because LotusNicolas is my date at this party.)

And talking to the guy at the DJ booth was the host, Cassie. As soon as she saw you she quickly said something to the DJ and ran over to you guys. She was wearing some nice accessories which was something that she didn't normally do.

 She was wearing some nice accessories which was something that she didn't normally do

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(Credit for this art of me goes to LotusNicolas)

"Hey! Glad you guys are here! Now this party can really start!" She said cheerfully, her tail wagging a bit. She signaled to the DJ and the lights dimmed a bit and music started playing.

"GoodNameHere, that's nice outfit." Cassie complimented.

(Credit of the art of GoodNameHere goes to themself for making it)

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(Credit of the art of GoodNameHere goes to themself for making it)

"Cool that you went with something casual, Huhunder. Looks great!" Cassie said, her tail swishing.

(Credit for the art of Huhunder goes to themself)

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(Credit for the art of Huhunder goes to themself)

"Stickyshit, you look like your either ready to party, or here for the food." Cassie joked.

(Credit of art of Stickyshit goes to themself)

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(Credit of art of Stickyshit goes to themself)

"LotusNicolas, wow! You look stunning!" Cassie blushed as she spoke to LotusNicolas.

"LotusNicolas, wow! You look stunning!" Cassie blushed as she spoke to LotusNicolas

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(The outfit that LotusNicolas chose to wear and again, credit goes to her. She said the heels aren't actually heels that she's wearing, they are flat.)

"Let's get this party started!" Cassie cheered.

(Song below is the song that I chose to be the first to play. You may choose whichever song plays next and play it as the party carries on, that way after this song there are no songs playing that someone hates and you can play the songs that you like without having to worry about someone else disliking them when you request them.)

(Note that I am just welcoming those who I know said that they would be at the party. So I know that not everyone who is at the party has been welcomed. So if you weren't welcomed then just pretend that you were or just keep in mind that a host can't welcome everyone at a party unless they are family.)

(I will mention in the comments what is on the menu if any of you decide to get something to eat.)

(Now the rest of the interaction is in the comments, no making a second part. Grab some food, talk to party members, spend time with your date, dance to the music, do whatever you want to do. This party might just go on until the cops are called on us, remember that I said that anything can happen, so if any of you wanna take this that way then go right on ahead. There's empty rooms in the building that you can go in with your date. 😏)

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