Blue x Red fluff

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Red carefully carried a hive of bees towards Blue's house. Blue had wanted to find a way to help his plants grow faster and Red had let him know that bees would help a lot and then Blue had asked if he could get some bees. Blue already had a beehive set up near his plants, now all he needed was the bees.

Red had also warned Blue that he needs to be careful around the bees, because killing just one of the would send them all against him. He also warned Blue that if he gets stung then it's a bad idea to just pinch the stinger and pull it out, because there's poison in the stinger. Red had already showed his how to get the stinger out without getting the poison injected into him.

Red, being the animal whisperer that he is, didn't need a bee suit to keep from getting stung, he just needed to make sure that he didn't accidentally kill one or it didn't matter who he was, they would all attack him. After a few minutes, Red finally got to Blue's house and made his way to the backyard, where Blue had his garden and beehive.

Blue was wearing a bee suit, since he would need it in case a bee got killed and the rest started attacking. "Why aren't you wearing a bee suit Red? I thought you said that they would attack anyone, even you." Blue asked. Red carefully put the frames that had the bees on them into the beehive, being extremely careful not to kill any of them.

"They will attack anyone if any of them gets killed, but I'm just being careful not to kill any of the bees." Red responded. He carefully put in the other frame, making sure that no bee would get killed. Once the other frame was in place, Red backed away from the beehive. "There, now you have some bees to help with your plants." Red smiles at Blue.

"Well, that's good news. By the way, is there anything else that I should know about the bees?" Blue asked. Red thought for a moment then nodded. "Yes there are a few more things. When a bee stings you, then they'll release an odor called an alarm pheromone to alert the others about the danger. It smells like bananas, so don't go near the bees after you've eaten a banana." Red announces.

"How do you know this? Do you know everything that there is to know about animals?" Blue asked. Red chuckled at this. "No, not everything, but most animals I know just about everything about." Blue nodded. "Well why don't you write everything down that I need to know about bees? That way I don't have to just try and remember everything you have to tell me." Blue suggested.

"Good idea." Red responded. "Do you have a pen and paper?" Blue nodded. I have a pen and paper in the house." Blue answered. Blue lead Red into his house through the back door, walking into the living room. Blue walked over to a little table next to the couch and picked up a pen and notepad that was sitting on the table.

"Here, write everything down on a page in this notepad." Blue said as he handed the pen and notepad to Red. Red nodded and began to write everything down. Blue began to take off the bee suit, making sure that he didn't accidentally rip the veil.

By the time Blue had finished taking off the bee suit, Red had written over half of what Blue needed to know about the bees. Blue glanced over Red's shoulder to take a look at how much Red had written, it was shocking to find out just how much Red had written. He had already filled three pages and he was still writing. "How much even is there to know about bees?" Blue asked.

"Not that much if you don't mind getting stung a few times each day. A lot of you wanna avoid getting stung as much as possible." Red answered, not stopping to look up at Blue as he continued to write. "Bees are more complicated than plants, and their just bugs." Blue said.

Red smiled at that. "Well to me plants can be more complicated than animals." Red responded. Blue chuckled at that. "Well I guess we should never try to swap places, because that would be a disaster, wouldn't it?" Blue joked. Red giggled at that and handed the notepad and pen back to Blue. "There, that's everything that you need to know about bees." Red said.

Blue took the notepad and pen from Red and quickly looked over what was on the notepad. "Bees are very complex." Blue said, half to himself. "Not as complex as you. If you were any more complex then someone would start doing experiments on you." Red said. Blue put the notepad and pen down. "If anything your the complex one, Red. You go from liking the idea of fighting for fun, to avoiding fighting and being all cute with your animals." Blue said.

Red's eyes went wide, which left Blue feeling confused. "You... think I'm cute?" Red asked. That's when Blue realized what he had said and a bright blush formed on his face. "Umm... I-I..." Blue didn't know how to answer Red.

"Well... your not too bad yourself, Blue." Red responded. Blue's blush grew darker at the compliment and he turned his away from Red. "I... didn't think that you liked me that way..." Blue said. Red smiled at Blue. "And I didn't know that you liked me that way either."

Red took a step towards Blue and pulled him into a hug. "It's ok to feel this way." He said. Blue hesitated for a moment before he wrapped his arms around Red, hugging him.

"I should probably go out and water my plants." Blue said. Red stopped him before he could go. "No need, you noticed how the bees stayed in the beehive when I put them in? That means that they know that it's gonna rain soon. So there's no reason to go out and water the plants." Red said.

Blue nodded, deciding to trust Red on this one. "In that case, do you wanna watch a movie?" Blue asked. Red nodded. "Sure, that sounds good." Blue walked over to the tv and gestured to the shelf underneath the tv that had a bunch of movies.

"You pick a movie and I'll get us some snacks." Blue said. Red nodded and walked over to tv as Blue walked into the kitchen. Blue took out a bag of caramel popcorn and put it in the microwave. Blue usually preferred kettle corn but he knew that Red liked caramel popcorn more. Once the popcorn was done he poured it into a large bowl and scraped the remaining pieces out of the bag and into the bowl.

When Blue walked back into the room he found that Red was now siting on the couch, the movie ready to be played at any time. Blue walked over and handed the bowl to Red and sat down next to him.

Right at that moment it started to rain, which showed that Red was right, it was gonna rain. Red started the movie while the two of them cuddled, eating popcorn and enjoying each other's company.

*authors note*

One more one shot to go. This is absolutely your last chance to request that the last one shot is specifically either fluff, lime or smut. The one shot that is left to be done is Red x Navy. I'll see you then.

Animator vs Animation one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon