Chapter 17: Chill Woman (Hiccup)

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Hiccup was released from the med bay and lead to his temporary room—where he and Toothless would be staying (it's on the avengers shared kitchen and dining floor). They settled in, had some food, then went to sleep.

Refer to the last chapter for Peter's recollection of the recent events.

Now: (Sunday)

It's morning now, I know this because Toothless and I woke up and watched the sunrise from the bedroom window. It was bittersweet; a pretty sight, sure, but it's not the skyline we're used to. And besides, we always go for a flight around this time but it's not like we can do that right now. And yet, this time we couldn't. When Toothless is away Astrid takes me on Stormfly because she knows I can't sleep— whether that be from unnecessary worry for Toothless, or my body being used to waking up that early. She always knows what I need, even when I don't. Gods, I miss her so much already. She'd probably know what to do. What to say.

Anyway, some time had passed since the sunrise—an hour or so— when there's a knock at the door. I glance at Toothless, who returns my curious look, before I walk over to the door and slowly pull it open.

"Hey," Oh, it's Spider-man. He's standing there a little awkwardly, dressed in the same full body suit as yesterday.

"Good morning," I greet back awkwardly.

"I just thought I'd check in before I head out for patrol," he explains.

"Patrol?" I ask, curious.

"Ohh, yeah. It's sorta just how I occupy myself," He explains. I nod in understanding. "Anyway, the kitchen is just down the hall on the left, you're free to eat anything you can get your hands on, Friday can help with cooking it." He points vaguely.

"Thank you," I smile. "Also...I'm, uh, really sorry about how we got off on the wrong foot yesterday..." I apologise, awkwardly rubbing me neck. He seems like a good guy, in hindsight I should have thought more rationally and tried to mediate from the beginning. Besides, I don't want to have grudges against the only people that can get us home.

"Ohh, no don't worry dude! I would have acted the same if the roles were reversed!" He exclaims cheerfully. He pauses, as if listening to something, before he backs away. "Alright, I've gotta go now, have a good day!" He waves at me before half jogging down the hall. I shut the door and turn back to Toothless.

"So, how about we go find ourselves some food, bud?" I suggest. He bounces up eagerly, crooning in excitement. I smile and open the door again, leading the way. I hope we're going in the right direction. We walk down the hall and soon make it to what I assume is the kitchen.

It's a fairly large room consisting of smooth benchtops, several weird contraptions, and a smooth floor. "Huh. Now, where would the food be?" I wonder. Toothless pauses, sniffing the air, before he leads the way to a tall silver rectangular thing. Grabbing a handle, I pull back gently. The door pulls back and a wave of cool air hits me. I raise my eyes in surprise. On Berk we have to either dry our food, or use it quickly. Ice is great but it melts eventually—especially since New Berk is slightly warmer than Old Berk.

Scanning the contents of the contraption, I struggle to find something I recognise. "What am I supposed to eat?" I wonder aloud, reaching in and moving a few objects around. I see some apples in the bottom, so I guess I can resort to that if needed.

"Are you familiar with eggs, perhaps?"

I jump, hitting my head against the contraption. "Ow." I mutter, rubbing my head. I forgot about Friday, the real but not-real voice. I focus on what she said. "Eggs? Yeah, we have chickens on Berk."

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