Chapter 33: What the Thor?! (Hiccup)

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When I tell you how excited I've been to write this chapter—


Hiccup and Toothless finally had enough of just sitting and watching the battle without being able to help, so they took it upon themselves to join in and land a plasma blast or two. They helped because they're, y'know, good people (and dragon)... but also cause they probably won't be able to go home without the help of the Avengers— and if they die then there goes like all their chances.

They really know how to make an entrance because they dramatically saved Spider-man from a bunch of robots.

Refer to the last chapter for Peter's recollection of the recent events


I decide to stay with spider-man for a while, especially when we get surrounded on all sides by 'aliens'— as I've learnt they're called. I'm holding my shield in one hand and inferno in the other, I've discovered the aliens don't like fire so it's a great tool to push them back. Which is really good because I'm not, you know, great at arm to arm combat. I'm far more comfortable up in the saddle, co ordinating attacks from above.

"You know," I begin as I knock an alien over the head with the shield and use inferno to back another one way, "you could probably rig those webs to set on fire."
"Really?" Comes his curious and excited response from next to me as he fight off a few aliens at once— I wish I had those kind of reflexes. "I've never thought about fire! Electrocution, sure. But not fire..." he strains slightly as he throws his strength into tossing some kind of metal pole at a bunch of them—one I doubt I'd even be able to lift, let alone toss that far. "How would that even work, dude?"

"Well I don't know about here," I admit as I raise inferno at an alien and make fake jabs at it to back it away. "but back home we have Monstrous Nightmare gel, it's a mucussy saliver almost that the dragon coats itself in to be able to light on fire. We've found that if you coat it on things— like rope— you can set them on fire with a simple spark." 

"Whoa that's pretty cool. And is it thick? Or runny?"

"It's—" I slam the shield into an alien's leg and wince when it slices through, with a nasty crack coming from the creature. I try not to feel bad about it, but I'm not exactly the cold hearted warrior my dad was. "—It's kind of thick but sticky, the actual fire itself is pretty sticky as well. Sticky and hot enough to stick to stone." I explain, breathless.

"Stick to stone?! That's crazy!"

We're fighting back to back now, though he's doing a lot more actual fighting than me. I'm mainly just keeping them back and doing a few jabs with the shield. Inferno is great, but I don't like actually hitting things with it because the rods are delicate and I wouldn't exactly have the means to repair them here.

"Yeah, lots of dragons have different kinds of fire types," I exclaim brightly, always excited to share knowledge. "Astrid's dragon can melt solid rock in like two seconds. Definitely one of the most hottest fires in the dragon world."

"Wow I can't even begin to imagine how hot that would have to be! At least 1200 degrees! I'm thinking even—" he pauses, evidently fighting, " we're getting outnumbered here."

"No kidding," I agree, eyeing the creature in front of me. Then I hear a familiar growl, and brighten up.

"What's that sound?" Spider man wonders. I just grin, looking around as he continues. "Was it me? I'm sorry, I haven't eaten in a while."

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