Cutting Ties (Hiccup) [Official Ending!]

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Ok so I know pretty much nothing about the MCU multiversal rules so bear with me as I wing it and make a bunch of shit up. Keep in mind most of this was written before I saw the Loki finale.

*some small edits as of jan 2024, but it was just a skim, so I'm sorry if there's terrible grammar and spelling.*

There's a cool breeze in the air that carries with it the scent of smoke and something else I can't quite identify— a foreign smell that I had never faced back in our world. and i had faced a lot— burning flesh, dragon dung, Mildew.

"Burning tires," Bucky explains from beside me when I ask about it out loud. The jet turns off behind us as the last of us make our way down the ramp and step onto the grass— the grass that covers the ground of the very same park Toothless and I first crashed in just days ago. Everyone is here, including Dagur, the twins, their dragon, and the whole of the Avengers.

"Alright, we've got clear airspace for no more than eight minutes," Tony announces, stepping off the ramp last. "So let's make this fast."

Dr Strange walks forward to a clear space and pulls a thick, old book from his cloak. He then makes a portal, and another, shorter man walks through. "This is Wong, he's here to—"

"I'm here to make sure Stephen doesn't do anything stupid." Wong chimes in. "But I'm also here to help." He added, rolling his eyes and setting a bag down. He reaches in and pulls out small, palm size artefacts while Dr Strange starts flipping through the book.

"This is the easiest and most sufficient way to do this," Strange explains. The book floats in the air in front of him as he starts making unusual gestures with his hands and fingers. Wong sets six of the artefacts down in the grass, forming a circle about five paces wide. The artefacts don't look like anything I recognise, just odd shapes with symbols etched in them that I don't understand.
"Whoaaa," Peter exclaims, watching the magic with excitement. "Can anyone do magic, Mr. Dr. Strange, sir? Or is it more like 'chosen one' kind of situation?"
"We're busy, kid." Wong says without looking at Peter.
"I think lots of people have magic potential," Strange says begrudgingly. "But that doesn't mean I'm teaching you, so don't even ask."
Peter shuts his mouth with a pout. "I think we need a new Avengers wizard." He mutters and looks around. "Anyone else magic?"
"Don't look at me, unless you like trick shots." Kate says with a shrug.
"And don't look at Clint, it makes him nervous." Natasha adds.
"Hey!" He protests, but Natasha is too busy high-fiving a laughing Kate to care.
"I'm really good at making money disappear." Yelena offers unhelpfully.

"So, brother, is this where you and T came through?" Dagur slides up next to me and wraps his arm over my shoulder, drawing my attention away from the Avengers.
"Uh, yeah, we fell from the sky." I respond, squirming under his grip.
"Oh, just like old times, then." He laughs and knuckles my hair affectionately— well, affectionate for him and rough for me.
"Yeah, yeah." I groan as I finally slip out from his grip and try to distract him from doing it again with a question. "What about you?"
"Oh, yeah I came through in some random person's house. Took me ages to find my way to the battle. Especially when he wouldn't stop screaming. Like I get I crawled backwards out of his cold cupboard-thing soaking wet but he should have calmed down after I stopped trying to stab him."

"You... need to work on your etiquette with strangers." I admit gently, then remember that Toothless and I weren't exactly diplomatic when we met Tony and Peter for the first time.

"Who's first?" Strange asks, releasing a circle of orange light from his fingers that floated down on top of the artifices.
"These two." Loki interrupts Dagur before he can finish talking, shoving the twins forward by the back of their shirts. He has a wild look in his eyes, like he's barely containing himself.
"Loki," Thor warns, somewhat cautious. "Be... gentle. They're mortals, remember."
(The twins didn't seem hurt, instead whispering "oh my gods he touched us he touched us, THE Loki touched us!" Between each other.)

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