What's Happening

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It's Oreo again! Got an important question for the end of this chapter, but read the chapter first and then leave a comment answering the question
*Annie's POV*
We were stood in the hallway. Lizzie bites her lip nervously, twirls her still blue hair (but it suits her now xD) around her finger and, as always, takes control. "Ok, guys, let's split up. Tiffy, you go down the first corridor. That leads to the bathroom. Me and Joel will go towards the living room - that's where Sam will probably be, if he's even in. Annie, you go towards the bedroom - that's the second corridor. Kat and Annie, you guys go into the garden. Let's go!"
I head into the bedroom, and on first look it's empty. I decide to check under the bed just in case. This feels creepy, like a horror film, in that moment where the audience is leaning back in their seats, with wide eyes and their feet clenching, and then the hero/heroine looks behind them and the axe murderer's there and the whole audience jumps and gets popcorn all over them.
Getting off the point.
I quickly check behind me, and as I should've known there's nobody.
Then I turn back to the bed and see a face in the shadows, and I scream but only for a split second before a fist slams into my temple and it all goes black.
Later I wake up, and I'm in a room. It doesn't feel particularly creepy, just weird, and wrong. I'm not tied up, so I try to stand up, and my head spins and lights dance across my vision. Wincing, I put a hand to my temple. When I look at my hand afterwards, it's coated in blood. Did i fall? Was I hit? I can't remember...
I look around the room and see a laptop, open on an email. Going closer I see it was starting to shut down but was cancelled, so whatever this email is, it's something that's meant to be hidden. I cancel the shut down and read the email.

19:37 26/6/2012
From: samhasnointernet@gmail.com
To: flynngregerson@tntc.com
Subject: Re; Pixel Pact
I've had two of them, now have the third. They're so stupid, they keep walking into the trap. Don't worry, I got samples from all of them. We're going to seriously fuck with their brains, then stupid little Lizzie will regret choosing my pathetic excuse for a brother over me! I also had a bit of fun with them... also they're both in relationship. If they get... how to put it, tied down but a small inconvenience due to 'accidentally' forgetting protection, then I'll lose them their boyfriend as well! And they only have Lizzie to blame!
I'll keep you posted.

Quentin! Oh my god, he doesn't know I'm gone! Does he? I don't know how long I've been here... it could be days. That asshole, what was his name? Sam, he could've taken the samples already. Oh my god - he could've raped me! What if I'm pregnant? What if Quentin breaks up with me?! I can't deal with that...
Right now I need to get out. I can't even see where the door is right now - there's none of the walls that I can see - so the easiest option would be to email one of the pixel pact from the computer in here. Better yet, I could forward the email I read earlier onto them, so they know what's happened. Then I'll add a message telling them where he hid so they know where not to go. I'll tell them all I can.
Hearing footsteps, I start to panic internally. I run back to the chair and sit down as quietly as possible, and loll my head so as to look like I'm asleep. I hear footsteps walk past me and he curses.
'Left the computer on... that could've gone badly' he mutters to himself. I swallow and decide now might be the time to 'wake up'. I open my eyes and see Sam staring directly at me. He smiles creepily as I glance at him.
'Hello. You're Annie, right? The most gorgeous of the group'
I can bet you anything he said that to Lizzie and Yammy as well.
'I hope you don't mind, I'm going to have a quick look think your bag. Won't take anything, just curiosity.'
I start trembling but refuse to say anything.
'So here's your phone... nice...' he turns it over, before throwing it, hard, at the wall. I gasp, but still say nothing.
'Your purse... you have a fifty pound note, I'd guess about fourteen pounds in change and a credit card. Ooh, and a picture. Of you and... is he your brother?'
I know he's trying to get me to answer, but I won't talk.
'Ah well then. I'm guessing you're single.'
He saunters over, smiles crookedly. He's handsome, in a messed up, creepy kinda way. His hand creeps to my leg, and I flinch but he doesn't move, gripping my leg like a limpet.
Before I can do anything his lips crash into mine. They're slimy and his tongue slithers into my mouth like a wet socks. I try to pull away but he grabs my neck, pulls me into the kiss, and starts fiddling with my jeans...
Omigod, I hate sam so much in this story! Holy crap!
So I said I had a question to ask and, well, I do. You guys might know I just finished my story Immortal Awakening (go read it if you haven't yet) and I decided I would finish The Gamer Next Door first and THEN finish LDSL - FTWG. But I don't really know what to do for TGND and I know exactly what I'm doing in this story, so I'm wondering if you guys would mind if I finished this story and then went on to finish TGND? Leave a comment telling me, and if I do this story then I'll still put a chapter up of TGND that I've got in drafts! So YEAHHH!

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