Hair and KFC

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~Lizzie's POV~

I run and run and run, until my breath is ragged and my chest heaving. My eyes well up and my stomach lurches. Tripping on the curb, I sprawl across the pavement, almost landing in a bin. I glance up and see an empty hair dye packet...

5 minutes later, and I'm walking out of Superdrug, still crying, with a small bag containing a bottle of cherry coke, a packet of Haribos and a sachet of Electric Blue hair dye. I go to the public loos and, not caring what people think of me, I messily apply the dye. My hair will look really bad in the morning, and maybe I'll regret it, but right now I don't really care.

I finish, take a deep breath, and get my make up wipes from my bag. I clear the running mascara and eyeliner from my eyes, then reapply with three thick coats of mascara. I then take a swig of Cherry Coke and walk out.

I look like a totally different person. I know people are staring at me and thinking I'm some drugged up, child eating gypsy but now I don't give a damn. I get the bus home and curl up in a corner crying.

Buddy wanders up and sticks his nose in my hair, confused. I giggle through the tears and stroke his back. He purrs and curls up at my feet, as a tear, blackened from copious layers of mascara, lands on his back, making him jump.

About half an hour later I pull myself together and text the girls.

Lizzieee😝 - Bad news. Joel was a prick and I stormed out. Is it ok if I stay at one of your's for a bit? Don't want him to come round xxx

Annieee👾 - aw, don't worry bby. You're too good for him if he's a prick xxx

Mittyyy🐬 - you can stay w/ me if you want hon xxx

Kattt🎨 - you gonna be alright bae? Will Minecraft make this better?xxx

Lizzieee😝 - thank Annie <3 thanks Mitty, won't be there for to long hopefully. Idk kat. Maybe. Don't think so though :( xxx

Mittyyy🐬 - no probs. See YA soon babes xxx

No reply from Yammy. For a while I'm upset, until I hear a knock on the door. After checking it's not Joel I answer and see Yammy stood there with her bag overflowing with our favourite films, with a tub of cookie dough ice cream balanced precariously on top and a KFC boneless bucket in the other hand. I fling my arms around her, and the ice cream falls to the floor but no harm done, and we sit and watch Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect and Princess Diaries without saying a word, just munching on chicken and scooping ice cream out of the tub. Then, halfway through Princess Diaries 2, Yammy turns to me and says simply 'what happened?'

I sigh, turn the volume down an tell her everything. About how Sam flirted with me, and Joel thought I chose Sam over him, and how I found out Joel has just been using me to one up Sam. Yammy sits until I'm finished, then hugs me tightly. Then Buddy uses me as a springboard for the chicken and I fall face first into the ice cream, while Yammy falls off the bed and lands on her butt. On the other hand, my cat has awesome taste when it comes to fast food.

*cut to picture of Buddy puking bits of KFC the next day. Lovely.*

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