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I right clicked Survival Games server 3. It was almost full and we had 15 seconds til start. I quickly selected runner as my kit (7, 6, 5...) put the gold boots with feather falling on (3, 2) drank my speed potion (1, go!) and ran towards the middle. I got a bandage, night vision stimpack and wood sword, before someone started attacking me. I went out of the chest quickly and started to attack but only had 4 hearts left. Then my attacker died and a person with an iron sword stood there. His gamer tag was SmallishBeans and his skin was green and brown, with a neon green eyebrow for whatever reason. My own was a girl in a sailor suit with black hair like my own, with a small grey beret on. I backed away, knowing he would attack - everyone else had gone. But instead of hitting me he right clicked in the 'team' gesture. I did it back and he threw me an iron sword and a pair of chain leggings, then ran. I wasn't sure if I was meant to follow him or not, but I did. He almost instantly found a support chest with a diamond helmet and threw it to me. I put it on, then followed him into a forest. Yet again I was attacked but that SmallishBeans guy defended me *princess voice* OMG, he's my HERO! Ok then...

The other guy - his name was TimeLord100 - managed to kill SmallishBeans, and as he flew I cursed under my breath. 'Hacker' Mitty muttered beside me. 'Damn' added Yammy. I got my flame bow out and attacked him, managing to kill him. I high-fived my girls, all randomly singing 'Lizzie took down a hack-er!' in weird voices. Then we were suddenly teleported to death match; it was only me and this really OP guy. I wasn't prepared and he managed to kill me. SmallishBeans said 'gg' and also gave me his Skype name. I wasn't sure if I should Skype him - mum would have a fit if she knew - but I decide to. I type his Skype name in and click call. A few seconds later, a boy about our age appears on the screen. He has dark brown curly hair and dark eyes. He looks at my girls and raises his eyebrows. I laugh and introduce them, and they all wave. He looks kinda worried but we do another 2 survival games and a murder. Then I hang up and everyone starts squealing and forcing me to admit I fancy him.


I don't.


Because that would mean.













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