Our tradition

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Call us antisocial; but for the first part of our sleepover we never talk. It's the time while we update our statuses saying 'Sleepover with the gals' (that was Kat) 'No sleep tonight...' (Yammy) 'Love ma lasses' (Mitty) 'Sleepover with da PIXEL PACT' (Annie) and 'Another night of playing World of Warcraft into the early hours' by moi! Then we'll just put music on and crazily

Thing is, we have been besties since Nursary. At first it was just me and Yammy, then Yammy's sisters best friends little sister Mitty became friends with us, then her cousins boyfriends little sister Annie became friends with us, then we met Kat at school on her first day, when she was really shy and we took her in, you could say. We discovered we all liked video games and randomness, so we became the Pixel Pact!

Back to the subject, because we're so close we have this thing where, every year, if we're at mine, Annie's or Mitty's house we rent a laptop! Yammy and Kat have laptops but the rest of us each rent one, and spend the night on minecraft! WOW is for when we are at our own houses but on sleepovers we team. We yell at each other, curse too loudly, then cover our mouths with wide eyes; we slowly drop off with toffee apple popcorn stuck to our faces and wake up with the keyboard imprinted on our faces and Sticky Keys crashing the laptop; we sometimes fall asleep halfway through a survival games and run into lava purely because our head is resting on the W button. We have the best sleepovers.

I meet Yammy and the sweet shop. Another tradition is we each take at least one packet of sweets, generally 2 or 3. I buy a packet of gummy bears, a bar of fruit and nut, and a 6 pack of Cherryade. Yammy gets a packet of bubblegum and toffee popcorn, and a bottle of Vimto. We trail to Mitty's house and see Annie and Kat, just going in. We run up and walk in breathless.



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