Lazy day with the girls

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Today is SATURDAY! Really excited, the girlies are coming round and we're going to the cinema then recording some survival games on the Reef. We're going to see Malificient, apparently it's really good.

By the way, me and Joel are officially dating. SQUEE! I'm so happy, I think my life is perfect right now. Although I'm crazy about him - you may or may not have noticed, hehe... I'm a firm believer of mates before dates. My friends are the most important thing to me, so I'll be meeting Joel tomorrow since the lasses are working then.

Today though we're going to the cinema. Me, Yammy, Mitty, Annie, Kat and Maddy (my sis) are going, they're arriving at around noon; oh geez, I should get dressed - it's 11!

Half an hour later and my hair is straightened and I've also darkened it a bit so it's not so in your face. My eyes have been outlined with aquamarine blue eyeliner, and I'm wearing a jade green crushed velvet knee-length dress. I'm also wearing a turquoise checked bow in my hair; probably doesn't look great but who cares?

I sit for a while and follow some Shadow Cadets (yessss) on Twitter, then 12 rolls around and I see Kat's familiar dark red car with the Pikachu on it (she did it herself; this is some of the crazy stuff us guys do when we're bored!). I grab my turquoise converse and run out pulling them on.

'Hey bae!' A chorus of voices call as I fling the door open; we always called each other bae, don't really know why! 'HAI BAES!' I scream back and we all laugh. I fling myself and my turquoise clutch in the car.

Kat puts 'Diana' by one direction on and we all rave for a while, since we're all being dedicated Directioners (don't think she actually is but hey) and as we're dancing around to Taken, a guy starts staring at us like whut...? So of course Yammy reaction was -

Wind window down

Point openly at the man, and scream...

'WHO DO YOU THINK YOU AREEEEE?!?! WHO DO YOU THINK I AMMMMM?!?! YOU ONLY LOVE TO SEE ME BREAKING! YOU ONLY WANT ME WHEN IM TAK--' before we drag her into the car. She then winds the window down and gives him a little wave, and he looks utterly terrified! We all nearly pee ourselves laughing then we arrive.

We get our tickets and buy food. Maddy, Yammy and Mitty buy popcorn, and Maddy and I grab our usual, a Fanta Frozen *dies* *is resurrected by Fanta* *like a fricking boss* *I'm gonna stop now*. Annie buys a packet of Haribos Gold Bear and we head in.

~~~~~ after the film ~~~~~

We stagger out, lights dancing in our eyes like they always do after we've been in a dark area. The film was amazing; apparently I was the only one who didn't know it was in 3D. Thanks girls (was this revenge for the time I spawned a creeper on your head? I mean didn't spawn a creeper on your head!)

We grab a KFC takeaway; Boneless Bucket, you're all jealous; and head home, raving to She Looks So Perfect by 5SOS (laves it)

She looks so perfect standing there

In my American apparel underwear!

I lean back in my seat and think of Joel. Naw. My Joel.

I think I love him.

I remember him saying he changed my lock screen so I click the lock button and splutter as a picture of Joel, cross eyed and with his tongue peeking out, appears on the screen.

Keeping that as my lock screen :D

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