Yammy's POV! Yay! ~ Chazza

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I haven't had a Yammy POV in this story yet, and she's gonna be quite important to my story in the near future, so I though I'd bring her in! Hope you's enjoy!

*before anyone knows about the sam thing except joel. And lizzie. And sam. Obviously. Just after Lizzie found out about the pregnancy, but obviously at a different place*
*Yammy's POV*
'Kyllllllle!' I call, stepping into the house. Throwing my bag on the sofa, I stroll into the kitchen and see a note on the work surface, saying 'hey babe. out atm but will b back soon, check our bedroom. love ya lots, ky'
I put the kettle on and make a hot chocolate, walk through to the bedroom. Seeing two bags, one big Primark one and one small Morrisons one, sat on the edge of the bed, I pick it up and see writing on the big bag in purple pen.
'Hey honey. Saw these and thought of you. Love you ❤️'
I smile and peek into the Primark bag. Seeing a mass of grey fur, my eyes widen and I drag it out. Spreading it on the bed I see it's a furry Bugs Bunny onesie! Glancing in the bag again I see another one, exactly the same but bigger. For Kyle, I think giggling. God, I love him.
Checking the smaller bag I see a massive packet of marshmallows, and an adorable phone case with a picture of me, Kyle and Sonic (my hedgehog). I look so happy then, genuinely happy. The stuff with Tiffy (Cupquake) hadn't happened.
I don't know how how many people know about it, all her fans probably. And now you. It all started with Minecraft. I know, pathetic. Basically there was a pig in her house in her house (why the fuck it was there I don't know) and I was dying of hunger. I happened to pass by and heard an oink and saw Tiffy's flower house door was open. At that exact moment a pig walked out, practically asking me to kill it. So I did, and ate it, and it was ok. Until Tiffy came out of the house. I'm laughing just remembering all this, it's so stupid. Just the conclusion was pretty dramatic.
So I went offline because she was basically blackmailing me, and I get enough of that from well-meaning fans. And not-so-well-meaning fans. Anyway, I went back on later and she'd gone to my house and killed every single animal in my house and farm, and taken my butterfly encyclopaedia which took me ages to get. I wasn't too bothered, but the next day at college she was like 'why did you kill my pet?' and I was like 'it was only a pig, I didn't know' and at the end of the day she sort of pushed me out of the way, and I can't stand being pushed around after my childhood (another story, for another time) so I elbowed her.
And she wasn't expecting it.
And she stumbled.
Into the road.
As a car was going past.
And she never forgave me
Five minutes later Kyle arrives home with a brown paper bag smelling gorgeously of chicken. I fling my arms around him, bury my face in his chest. He places the KFC bag on the sofa and wraps his strong arms around me, making me feel safe. I kiss him gently for a while, until he pulls away; winks. He starts up the stairs and I roll my eyes, grin. I grab the big KFC bag just as the doorbell rings. I sigh, place the food down, call 'I'll get it'. Opening the door I see a tall, muscular man, who looks weirdly like Joel, yet total opposites at the same time. He grins, and although he's effortlessly handsome, something about him unnerves me. 'Kyle...' I start to call him, my perfect boyfriend, as the man (who looks weirdly like Joel and yet doesn't) grabs me in a headlock, clamps a hand against my mouth and drags me to his car. I scream and scream, before finally thinking about biting him. Doing so, he curses, slaps me. I flinch, then scream 'KYL--'
Then the door slams and the car revs, and the last thing I see before a panic attack sets in is Kyle running out of the house. His eyes widening. His useless attempt at chasing the car. The look of heartbreak in his eyes as he sinks to his knees, and slowly he disappears as a dot in the distance...

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