3 years later

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It's been 3 years since my last... uh... not diary - thing. Nailed it Lizzie... anywho, since then I've changed so much! The most noticeable thing has to be my hair - since last time it's been black, red, blue (don't ask) and is currently light pink. I like it at the moment but am thinking about having it dyed bright pink... ah, the future!

More good stuff is my mum has finally let me have a YouTube account! LDShadowLady has almost 50,000 subs already and is still going strong! Yay!

So... me and the Pixel Pact still have weekendly sleepovers. We still talk about boys, but not Josh anymore. After year 13 he left and went to live in London, don't quote me on this but I've heard he spends his nights on corners of London sleeping with some girl he's never met, and yes by that I mean prostitute. Urgh. Anyway, instead of talking about Josh we talk about Joel - the boy who Skyped me once then ignored me...

Don't get me wrong, I like him. As in like like him. A lot. I can't deny it - it's just I wish he'd talk to me. He's seen all of my messages, just ignores them. It's really upsetting because I just want a chance with him, to meet up...

OMG! No way! Literally as I write this he's sent me a Skype request. I accept, click Video Call and wait eagerly. When he picks up we lock eyes, and instead of the 'I'm so sorry I left you' and explanation I deserve and was hoping for, I get 'oh... sorry... wrong number.' My eyes full with tears and he must see because he bites his lip and says 'uh... but I can chat for a bit! If you want.' I wipe the tears away and nodd.

We talk for 7 hours! I've just looked at the clock and it's 3 am! Oh, and by the way I moved with Yammy now, we both wanted to move out and decided we could save money and move in together. It seems only yesterday we were planning to move in together! She's out at the mo with her boyfriend Kye but should be back later.

Anywho, I tell Joel I have to go and finally he gives me the apology I've been waiting for.

'Ok... uh. Wait a minute. I'm so sorry I ignored you. I was worried! I've never really, uh, spoken to girls before...? I sound so frigid! I'm sorry, I just --' I cut him off with a smile, a blown kiss and a little wave, before hanging up. I then sit on my bed, turn princess diaries on and watch until I hear a click of the front door, and Yammy and Kye are home.


So, I'm putting Gamer Life on hold for a while, but note the fact the I'm is in italics, because meh and Samel (SamanthaTomlinson59 - check her Ash Love out!) are making Gamer Life a COLLAB!!! Yayyy! She's a super epic writer and I'm hoping I'm not bad, so it should be PERFECTIO! That's a word now...

Love to all ❤️❤️❤️

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