These Sticky Situations...

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~Joel's POV~

I was one lucky man. I was lucky for two reasons. 1) She had forgiven me after all that happened and 2) She loved me, and no one else. It hurt me though, seeing those scars on her arms made me shiver as I realized it was all my fault and only my fault. I had made her feel worthless and like she meant nothing, when really, she was my everything. She was my life, the very reason why I was still there. In my head I knew that without her I would’ve gotten sick of everything and everyone and given up. It was quite clear that it was the same for her too. We needed each other and I realized that too late to save myself. I couldn’t shake the thought out of my head that she would be better off without me, even though I knew, and could see, that she was quite clearly not. I was lay there with her, cradling her delicate and shivering body. I planted a sweet kiss on the top of her and she buried herself into me further. I could hear her gentle breathing as she slowly fell asleep in my arms. I placed my chin on the top of her head and held her closer, as if I was never going to let her go. She was my everything.

The sun shone through the window in which we had forgotten to cover but I didnt want to disturb Lizzie to shut them. I could still see the tear stains on her cheeks and couldn’t resist stroking them with my thumb. Her eyes flickered open and she smiled at me. She connected her beautiful blue eyes with mine of less beauty and I smiled back. "Morning" She murmured and sat up in bed. I repeated this action after her. We were sat side by side with our backs leaning against the bed stand. I reached for her hand and held it in mine, "Morning" I replied and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled sweetly and kissed me back. She leant her head on my shoulder and I put my head on hers. "What do you want to do today?" I asked her and she looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean?" She asked me and I laughed at her. "I mean what do you want to do today? Where do you want to go?" Her face suddenly relaxed and she smiled again. "No where" She chuckled and continued “I want to stay right here, with you". I felt my heart warm and melt completely on the inside. I closed my eyes to cherish this moment when the doorbell went downstairs. I groaned and Lizzie laughed "Ill get it of you want, it’s my house so it will probably be for me" She offered and explained. I nodded and she got up. I followed but went into the bathroom.

I came out of the bathroom to hear screams from downstairs. Lizzie's screams. I pushed my way down the stairs. The front door was wide open and Sam's car was parked in front of Lizzie's front garden. Fear flooded my mind as I saw Sam forcefully pushing Lizzie into his car. She was screaming and struggling but she was nothing against the brutal nature and build of Sam. He got her in the car and slammed the door. By this time I was already halfway down the drive and shouting at Sam to let her go. I feared what he was doing and I still wasn’t completely sure what was going on and why. I just knew I had to defend Lizzie with my life, and that’s what I did. Sam smiled evilly at me and then ran to the driver’s seat. He shut the door in my face and started the ignition. That was when I saw the fear in Lizzie's eyes and made my decision. The car started moving away so I did all I could do to stop it. I threw myself in front of the car. The impact of the bumper on my stomach knocked he wind out of my lungs and the vision from my eyes. I was trapped in darkness, slowly slipping away. The last thing I heard was Lizzie's scream and the sound of an engine getting further and further away before I blacked out.

~Hey :) Its Laurenhall7 because Chazza couldnt update <33 I wrote this just now so I am sorry if it is crap but yeh :P I will also be uploading on tuesday and then hopefully Chazza will be back for next Saturday <33 Love you! xx

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