The Sleepover

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7:15 - actually 7:14 if you're being picky. I'm sat with ma gurls, on the laptops. We're all doing Murder on MCPZ, teaming cos it means people hate us. I'm Bystander with secret weapon, Kat's murderer and the rest are Bystanders. What we do is (A/N - me and Sam really do this) we'll all meet in an area, tell each other our secret identities, kill everyone else then run around annoying everyone. We then all jump from the highest spot until we die, or play dodge the knives where the murderer - Kat in this case - throws knives and we dodge them. Fun, eh?
After playing a few (hundred) rounds of murder we switch servers and go on our survival server. Basically, I'm on creative and secretly spawn creepers everywhere, then people figure out it's me and I stand there because they can't kill me! Joking, I'm on creative but I've only spawned one or two (or three or four or five...) creepers! I, uh, give them stuff when they need it, and when they're about to die I'm their bodyguard, and then... when they're surrounded by creepers... I 'accidentally' disconnect! Hehe...
Then we go on survival games until the early hours when we rant about boys (mainly Josh Graley...) and WoW, and slowly fall asleep...
We finish our dozenth round of murder then decide to call it a day, since the chat is filled with 'stupid ****ing teamers!' and 'annoying little ****s!'. We disconnect and go on my server. 'LDShadowLady joined the server' 'Kayurita joined the server' 'yammy_xox joined the server' 'MittyMoxx joined the server' 'Vengelfe joined the server' comes up in chat. We do our thang for a while - FYI Yammy that creeper that spawned on your head while you were AFK was nothing to do with me. Honest - and then we go on CowCraft for survival games.
We've had a lot of sleepovers, any of which I could've told you about. Like the one where Mitty and Kat has an argument and wouldn't speak. Or the one where we put shaving foam in Annie's hair while she slept. Or the one where I threw the laptop out of the window IN MY SLEEP and got grounded because we had to pay half for a new one. But this one is the one where my real life truly began.
Next chappie will be uploaded straight after!

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