Chapter 25 [Part 1]

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Tom quickly recovered over the coming couple of days but his memory of me was still gone. He is not the same old Tom before this all happened with his smirks and wanting to always be with me. No, he is thoughtful now so there is no more forcing me into anything which is a great relief. I prefer him being like this. If he never regains his memory then it won't be that bad. I doubt he will be like this if he gets his memories back and I will end up wanting to leave him again which is not what I want. He attempted suicide this time. Thankfully he is ok but next time, he might not be. I don't know why he was being so forceful. I said I would give him a chance but he got the wrong idea and forcefully kissed me. How can I trust him when he does something like that? I understand we're mates but that doesn't mean he can force himself on me. It's no lie he is good looking and I'm attracted to him. He is my type but we can't be together just because we're mates and are attracted to each other. I want to get to know him properly then think about a relationship but that choice was taken away from me when he forcefully marked me. He already marked me as his and I marked him back because he tricked me into it and it was the only way I could get him to trust me enough to let his guard down so I could make my escape which I succeed in but it came with devastating consequences. Firstly, a werewolf fell in love with me and I don't know how I feel about it. I obviously have no feelings for him even though he is a nice guy. He shouldn't have chosen me as his mate knowing I was already mated to someone because we can never be together even if I ended up feeling the same way because Tom would never allow us to be together so there's no point in even considering it. Secondly, Tom tried to kill himself, if he'd have succeeded  then I would blame myself and never get over it.

I don't know what to do. I can't leave Tom knowing he would want to hurt himself if I left him again. Deep down I know I want to try with him. We are mates for a reason but with the way Tom is, I don't think it would be possible. He is good to me now because of his amnesia so things could work but he's not himself and I couldn't possibly take advantage of that. I want to get to know the real him, I know it isn't what he's been so far, desperate to make me his forcefully. If he gave me space and approached me like a gentlemen then maybe he would get what he wants. That will never happen now. Now that he is better, I need to leave. I know he won't stop me, this new side of him knows what he did was wrong and won't want to hurt me anymore. He just wants me to be happy even if that means we're apart from each other-

"Kristin?" Tom pulled me out of my thoughts as he took the seat beside me in the dining room where I was seated waiting for the food to be served with Richard and Patrisha.

"Hi Tom," I replied just as the waiters entered the room with plates of food. I don't think I will ever get used to this. Having servants and never having to lift a finger. I was happy living my simple life at home, it was nothing special but it's wasn't boring. I had a job and a house to come home too. I had something to do, now all I need to do is nothing but look pretty. I have no choice in the matter, I am a Princess now thanks to Tom. I never thought I would ever be a Princess nor have I ever wanted to be. I wanted a quiet life but that's never going to happen now that I am part of the royal vampire family.

No one really spoke while we ate as usual which I was thankful for, I hate making small talk or talking while eating in general. I just want to eat not talk.

I sighed in relief when the meal was over and left the dining room knowing fully well that Tom was following me.

"What do you want Tom?" I stopped suddenly to ask and Tom bumped into my back.

"Sorry," Tom apologised. "I just wanted to talk to you,"

"Talk to me about what?" I asked. What does he want to talk to me about now. There's nothing more to say and there's no point talking even if there was a point in talking because he doesn't remember me. It's best to have a clean break now then maybe when he regains his lost memories of me, we can talk but not now. "You don't remember me,"

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